Georgescu Emil Igor Vlad
Georgescu Emil Igor Vlad
NARDI Fundulea
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Maize leaf weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll) in the context of neonicotinoid seed treatment restriction.
E Georgescu, L Cană, C Popov, R Gărgăriță, L Râșnoveanu, L Voinea
The preliminary results regarding the impact of the neonicotinoids insecticides, applied at rape, sunflower and maize seed treatment, on the harmful entomofauna and honey bees.
E Trotuş, C Mincea, R Dudoiu, PL Pintilie, EI Georgescu
Test of some insecticides for Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll. control, in organic agriculture conditions
M Toader, E Georgescu, AM Ionescu, C Șonea
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 25 (6), 2070-2078, 2020
Atypically Behavior of the Maize Leaf Weevil (Tanymecus Dilaticollis Gyll) on Maize and Sunflower Crops, in Climatic Conditions of the Year 2014, in South-East of Romania
E Georgescu, L Cană, R Gărgăriţă, L Voinea, L Râşnoveanu
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 6, 9-16, 2015
Actual problems concerning protection of the wheat crops against cereal ground beetle (Zabrus tenebrioides Goeze) attack in south-east of the Romania.
E Georgescu, L RÎŞNOVEANU, M Toader, AM Ionescu, R GĂRGĂRIŢĂ, ...
Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy 60, 2017
Preliminary results concerning maize leaf weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll) control, in commercial farm conditions, from south-east of the Romania
E Georgescu, A Crețu, C Zob, L Cană
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary …, 2018
Testing of the new insecticides formulation for maize seeds treatment against Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll in laboratory conditions
E Georgescu, M Toader, AM Ionescu, C Lidia, L RÂŞNOVEANU
AgroLife Scientific Journal 5 (1), 2016
Researches concerning the effectiveness of the maize foliar treatment compared with seeds treatment for chemical control of the maize leaf weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll …
E Georgescu, M Toader, L Canǎ, D Horhocea, T Manole, R Zaharia, ...
Research on the morphology, biology, productivity and yields quality of the Amaranthus cruentus L. in the southern part of Romania
M Toader, AM Ionescu, C Sonea, E Georgescu
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48 (3), 1413-1425, 2020
Researches concerning European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) control, in south-east of the Romania.
E Georgescu, M Toader, L Cană, L RÎŞNOVEANU
Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy 62 (1), 2019
Testing of the new active ingredients for controlling of the Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn at maize crop, in conditions of artificial infestation, at NARDI Fundulea
E Georgescu, M Toader, N Balaban, L Rasnoveanu, L Cana
Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre …, 2017
Rolul indicatorilor de biodiversitate în aprecierea managementului dăunătorilor din cultura grâului
C Popov, L Cană, E Georgescu
An. INCDA Fundulea 77, 199-210, 2009
Study concerning Tanymecus sp. populations behavior in some locations from Romania in period 2010-2018
AF Badiu, M Iamandei, E Trotuș, EIV Georgescu
Acta Agricola Romanica 1 (1), 108-136, 2019
Researches concerning sunflower seeds treatment against
E Georgescu, M Toader, AM Ionescu, L Cana, L Rasnoveanu
Tanymecus dilaticollis, 64-71, 2018
Technology of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) mass rearing, successive generations, in controlled conditions, at NARDI FUNDULEA.
E Georgescu, M Burcea, L Cana, L Rasnoveanu
Behavior of some maize hybrids to the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) attack, under different climatic conditions.
E Georgescu, L Cană, HL Iordan, T Martura, R Gărgăriță
Some aspects of bakery industry quality for organic and conventional wheat.
M Toader, E Georgescu, PI Năstase, AM Ionescu
Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy 62 (1), 2019
Draught influence concerning maize leaf weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis Gyll) attack on maize crops at NARDI Fundulea.
E Georgescu, M Toader, L Cana, R Gargarita
Management of the rape crop protection against soil pests by seed chemical treatment.
F Traşcă, G Traşcă, EI Georgescu
New data about the control of wireworms (Agriotes spp.) from the main field crops under the Piteşti-Albota area.
F Traşcă, G Traşcă, EI Georgescu
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