Matthieu Duponcheel
Matthieu Duponcheel
在 uclouvain.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Assessment of a discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of vortical flows at high Reynolds number
C Carton de Wiart, K Hillewaert, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 74 (7), 469-493, 2014
Assessment of RANS and improved near-wall modeling for forced convection at low Prandtl numbers based on LES up to Reτ= 2000
M Duponcheel, L Bricteux, M Manconi, G Winckelmans, Y Bartosiewicz
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 75, 470-482, 2014
Status and perspective of turbulence heat transfer modelling for the industrial application of liquid metal flows
F Roelofs, A Shams, I Otic, M Böttcher, M Duponcheel, Y Bartosiewicz, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 290, 99-106, 2015
Direct and large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer at very low Prandtl number: Application to lead–bismuth flows
L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans, I Tiselj, Y Bartosiewicz
Nuclear engineering and design 246, 91-97, 2012
A multiscale subgrid model for both free vortex flows and wall-bounded flows
L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans
Physics of Fluids 21 (10), 2009
Time-reversibility of the Euler equations as a benchmark for energy conserving schemes
M Duponcheel, P Orlandi, G Winckelmans
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (19), 8736-8752, 2008
Vortex particle-mesh simulations of vertical axis wind turbine flows: from the airfoil performance to the very far wake
P Chatelain, M Duponcheel, DG Caprace, Y Marichal, G Winckelmans
Wind Energy Science 2 (1), 317-328, 2017
Investigation of the effect of inflow turbulence on vertical axis wind turbine wakes
P Chatelain, M Duponcheel, S Zeoli, S Buffin, DG Caprace, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854 (1), 012011, 2017
The WAKE4D simulation platform for predicting aircraft wake vortex transport and decay: Description and examples of application
I De Visscher, G Winckelmans, T Lonfils, L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, ...
AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 7994, 2010
An actuator disk method with tip‐loss correction based on local effective upstream velocities
M Moens, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans, P Chatelain
Wind Energy 21 (9), 766-782, 2018
CFD simulations of Rapid Compression Machines using detailed chemistry: Impact of multi-dimensional effects on the auto-ignition of the iso-octane
N Bourgeois, SS Goldsborough, G Vanhove, M Duponcheel, H Jeanmart, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 383-391, 2017
Development and assessment of a Wake Vortex characterization algorithm based on a hybrid LIDAR signal processing
A Hallermeyer, A Dolfi-Bouteyre, M Valla, L Le Brusquet, G Fleury, ...
8th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 3272, 2016
A collaborative effort towards the accurate prediction of turbulent flow and heat transfer in low-Prandtl number fluids
A Shams, F Roelofs, I Tiselj, J Oder, Y Bartosiewicz, M Duponcheel, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 366, 110750, 2020
LES investigation of the transport and decay of various-strengths wake vortices in ground effect and subjected to a turbulent crosswind
L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, I De Visscher, G Winckelmans
Physics of fluids 28 (6), 2016
Direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation of wake vortices: going from laboratory conditions to flight conditions
G Winckelmans, R Cocle, L Dufresne, R Capart, L Bricteux, G Daeninck, ...
Proceedings of European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS …, 2006
Physics-constrained machine learning for thermal turbulence modelling at low Prandtl numbers
M Fiore, L Koloszar, C Fare, MA Mendez, M Duponcheel, Y Bartosiewicz
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 194, 122998, 2022
Direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulent wall-bounded flows: further development of a parallel solver, improvement of multiscale subgrid models and investigation of vortex …
M Duponcheel
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Université catholique de Louvain, 2009
Vortex Particle-Mesh simulations of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine flows: from the blade aerodynamics to the very far wake
P Chatelain, M Duponcheel, DG Caprace, Y Marichal, G Winckelmans
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (3), 032007, 2016
Large Eddy Simulation: Application to Liquid Metal Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Y Bartosiewicz, M Duponcheel
Simulation of threedimensional wake vortices in ground effect using a fourth order incompressible code
M Duponcheel, T Lonfils, L Bricteux, G Winckelmans
7th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mons, 2006
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