Jean Pierre Seclen-Luna
Jean Pierre Seclen-Luna
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Management Departament
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Gestión de la innovación empresarial: Conceptos, modelos y sistemas
JP Seclen-Luna, J Barrutia-Güenaga
Fondo Editorial de la PUCP, 2019
Crecimiento empresarial en las pequeñas empresas de la industria metalmecánica de Lima: un estudio de casos múltiple
JP Seclen-Luna
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía, 224-241, 2016
Gestión de la innovación empresarial: un enfoque multinivel
JP Seclen-Luna
360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión, 16-36, 2016
Assessing the effects of human capital composition, innovation portfolio and size on manufacturing firm performance
JP Seclen-Luna, M Opazo-Basáez, L Narvaiza, PJ Moya Fernández
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 31 (3), 625-644, 2021
Exploring the effects of innovation strategies and size on manufacturing firms’ productivity and environmental impact
JP Seclen-Luna, P Moya-Fernández, Á Pereira
Sustainability 13 (6), 3289, 2021
KIBS and innovation in machine tool manufacturers. Evidence from the Basque Country
JP Seclen-Luna, J Barrutia-Güenaga
International Journal of Business Environment 10 (2), 112-131, 2018
Effects of the use of digital technologies on the performance of firms in a developing country: are there differences between creative and manufacturing industries?
JP Seclen-Luna, R Castro Vergara, H Lopez Valladares
International Journal of Information Systems and Project Managemetn 10 (1 …, 2022
Exploring the relationship between KIBS co-locations and the innovativeness of manufacturing firms in Latin America
JP Seclen-Luna, PJ Moya Fernández
Investigaciones Regionales= Journal of Regional Research, 69-84, 2020
Influencia del uso de herramientas en la gestión de la fase temprana del proceso de innovación de productos
JP Seclen-Luna, H López Valladares
Innovar 30 (76), 119-130, 2020
Seic e innovación en las microempresas fabricantes de máquina-herramienta. Los casos del país vasco y de emilia-romaña/kibs and innovation in tool machine micro enterprises …
JP Seclen-Luna
Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2014
Gestión de la I+ D, Gestión de la Innovación e Innovación Organizacional
JP Seclen-Luna
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento Académico de Ciencias …, 2017
Innovation in Micro Firms Builders of Machine Tool? Effects of T-KIBS on technological and non-technological innovations
JP Seclen-Luna, PM Fernandez, JB Güenaga, L Ferrucci
Review of Business Management 24 (1), 144-158., 2022
¿ Cómo innovan las fintech peruanas
G Palomino, K Velásquez, K Marcos, J Seclen
Una aproximación a partir de un estudio de casos múltiple 360, 38-66, 2019
Retos para la industria peruana en el siglo XXI
JP Seclen-Luna
Universidad de Lima, 2015
Relationship between innovation process and innovation results: An exploratory analysis of innovative Peruvian firms
JP Seclen Luna
Economy, Business and Uncertainty: New ideas for a Euro-Mediterranean …, 2019
The effects of innovation activities and size on technological innovation in South American manufacturing firms
JP Seclen-Luna, R Morales
International Journal of Business Environment 13 (1), 88-108, 2022
Are Peruvian manufacturing firms product-based or service-based businesses? Effects of innovation activities, employee level of education and firm size
JP Seclen-Luna, J Alvarez-Salazar
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 35 (7), 799-812, 2023
Extreme work environment and career commitment of nurses: empirical evidence from Egypt and Peru
M Mousa, A Arslan, H Abdelgaffar, JPS Luna, BRD De la Gala
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2023
The effect of technological innovation on low-tech Peruvian manufacturing firms' performance: the role of external sources of knowledge
JF Del Carpio Gallegos, JP Seclen-Luna
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 35 (3), 366-379, 2022
Exploring the influence of innovation management tools on product innovation: the case of Peruvian innovative firms
JP Seclen-Luna, FP Regalado
International Journal of Systematic Innovation 6 (2), 2020
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