Xiaopeng Zhang (张晓鹏)
Xiaopeng Zhang (张晓鹏)
Senior Researcher, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Swin-unet: Unet-like pure transformer for medical image segmentation
H Cao, Y Wang, J Chen, D Jiang, X Zhang, Q Tian, M Wang
European conference on computer vision, 205-218, 2022
Pc-darts: Partial channel connections for memory-efficient architecture search
Y Xu, L Xie, X Zhang, X Chen, GJ Qi, Q Tian, H Xiong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.05737, 2019
Distilling object detectors with fine-grained feature imitation
T Wang, L Yuan, X Zhang, J Feng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Picking deep filter responses for fine-grained image recognition
X Zhang, H Xiong, W Zhou, W Lin, Q Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Rethinking rotated object detection with gaussian wasserstein distance loss
X Yang, J Yan, Q Ming, W Wang, X Zhang, Q Tian
International conference on machine learning, 11830-11841, 2021
Central similarity quantization for efficient image and video retrieval
L Yuan, T Wang, X Zhang, FEH Tay, Z Jie, W Liu, J Feng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Fast dynamic radiance fields with time-aware neural voxels
J Fang, T Yi, X Wang, L Xie, X Zhang, W Liu, M Nießner, Q Tian
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Conference Papers, 1-9, 2022
4d gaussian splatting for real-time dynamic scene rendering
G Wu, T Yi, J Fang, L Xie, X Zhang, W Wei, W Liu, Q Tian, X Wang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Few-shot adaptive faster r-cnn
T Wang, X Zhang, L Yuan, J Feng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Zigzag Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
X Zhang, J Feng, H Xiong, Q Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018
Controlvideo: Training-free controllable text-to-video generation
Y Zhang, Y Wei, D Jiang, X Zhang, W Zuo, Q Tian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13077, 2023
Weight-sharing neural architecture search: A battle to shrink the optimization gap
L Xie, X Chen, K Bi, L Wei, Y Xu, L Wang, Z Chen, A Xiao, J Chang, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (9), 1-37, 2021
Segment anything in 3d with nerfs
J Cen, Z Zhou, J Fang, W Shen, L Xie, D Jiang, X Zhang, Q Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 25971-25990, 2023
Gaussiandreamer: Fast generation from text to 3d gaussian splatting with point cloud priors
T Yi, J Fang, G Wu, L Xie, X Zhang, W Liu, Q Tian, X Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08529, 2023
Msg-transformer: Exchanging local spatial information by manipulating messenger tokens
J Fang, L Xie, X Wang, X Zhang, W Liu, Q Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Circumventing outliers of autoaugment with knowledge distillation
L Wei, A Xiao, L Xie, X Zhang, X Chen, Q Tian
European Conference on Computer Vision, 608-625, 2020
Distilling object detectors with task adaptive regularization
R Sun, F Tang, X Zhang, H Xiong, Q Tian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13108, 2020
Sdae: Self-distillated masked autoencoder
Y Chen, Y Liu, D Jiang, X Zhang, W Dai, H Xiong, Q Tian
European conference on computer vision, 108-124, 2022
Partially-connected neural architecture search for reduced computational redundancy
Y Xu, L Xie, W Dai, X Zhang, X Chen, GJ Qi, H Xiong, Q Tian
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (9), 2953-2970, 2021
Attribute mix: Semantic data augmentation for fine grained recognition
H Li, X Zhang, Q Tian, H Xiong
2020 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image …, 2020
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