Fabian A. Buske
Fabian A. Buske
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MEME Suite: tools for motif discovery and searching
TL Bailey, M Boden, FA Buske, M Frith, CE Grant, L Clementi, J Ren, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W202-W208, 2009
Three-dimensional disorganization of the cancer genome occurs coincident with long-range genetic and epigenetic alterations
PC Taberlay, J Achinger-Kawecka, ATL Lun, FA Buske, K Sabir, ...
Genome research 26 (6), 719-731, 2016
Potential in vivo roles of nucleic acid triple-helices
FA Buske, JS Mattick, TL Bailey
RNA biology 8 (3), 427-439, 2011
Triplexator: detecting nucleic acid triple helices in genomic and transcriptomic data
FA Buske, DC Bauer, JS Mattick, TL Bailey
Genome research 22 (7), 1372-1381, 2012
PARTICLE, a triplex-forming long ncRNA, regulates locus-specific methylation in response to low-dose irradiation
VB O’Leary, SV Ovsepian, LG Carrascosa, FA Buske, V Radulovic, ...
Cell reports 11 (3), 474-485, 2015
Assigning roles to DNA regulatory motifs using comparative genomics
FA Buske, M Bodén, DC Bauer, TL Bailey
Bioinformatics 26 (7), 860-866, 2010
Epigenetic priors for identifying active transcription factor binding sites
G Cuellar-Partida, FA Buske, RC McLeay, T Whitington, WS Noble, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (1), 56-62, 2012
WT1 controls antagonistic FGF and BMP-pSMAD pathways in early renal progenitors
FJ Motamedi, DA Badro, M Clarkson, M Rita Lecca, ST Bradford, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4444, 2014
Acetylated histone variant H2A. Z is involved in the activation of neo-enhancers in prostate cancer
F Valdés-Mora, CM Gould, Y Colino-Sanguino, W Qu, JZ Song, KM Taylor, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1346, 2017
Aquaria: simplifying discovery and insight from protein structures
SI O'donoghue, KS Sabir, M Kalemanov, C Stolte, B Wellmann, V Ho, ...
Nature methods 12 (2), 98-99, 2015
Alternatively spliced isoforms of WT1 control podocyte-specific gene expression
J Lefebvre, M Clarkson, F Massa, ST Bradford, A Charlet, F Buske, ...
Kidney international 88 (2), 321-331, 2015
VariantSpark: population scale clustering of genotype information
AR O’Brien, NFW Saunders, Y Guo, FA Buske, RJ Scott, DC Bauer
BMC genomics 16, 1-9, 2015
Triplex-Inspector: an analysis tool for triplex-mediated targeting of genomic loci
FA Buske, DC Bauer, JS Mattick, TL Bailey
Bioinformatics 29 (15), 1895-1897, 2013
Genomics and personalised whole-of-life healthcare
DC Bauer, C Gaff, ME Dinger, M Caramins, FA Buske, M Fenech, ...
Trends in molecular medicine 20 (9), 479-486, 2014
NGSANE: a lightweight production informatics framework for high-throughput data analysis
FA Buske, HJ French, MA Smith, SJ Clark, DC Bauer
Bioinformatics 30 (10), 1471-1472, 2014
Dual-functioning transcription factors in the developmental gene network of Drosophila melanogaster
DC Bauer, FA Buske, TL Bailey
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-14, 2010
PARTICLE triplexes cluster in the tumor suppressor WWOX and may extend throughout the human genome
VB O’Leary, J Smida, FA Buske, LG Carrascosa, O Azimzadeh, D Maugg, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7163, 2017
Sorting the nuclear proteome
DC Bauer, K Willadsen, FA Buske, KA Lê Cao, TL Bailey, G Dellaire, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (13), i7-i14, 2011
In silico characterization of protein chimeras: relating sequence and function within the same fold
FA Buske, R Their, EMJ Gillam, M Bodén
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (1), 111-120, 2009
Predicting SUMOylation sites in developmental transcription factors of Drosophila melanogaster
DC Bauer, FA Buske, TL Bailey, M Bodén
Neurocomputing 73 (13-15), 2300-2307, 2010
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