Bjarke Refslund
Power resource theory revisited: The perils and promises for understanding contemporary labour politics
B Refslund, J Arnholtz
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (4), 1958-1979, 2022
Tackling precarious work in public supply chains: A comparison of local government procurement policies in Denmark, Germany and the UK
K Jaehrling, M Johnson, TP Larsen, B Refslund, D Grimshaw
Work, Employment and Society 32 (3), 546– 563, 2018
Understanding the Diverging Trajectories of Slaughterhouse work in Denmark and Germany-A power resource approach
I Wagner, B Refslund
European Journal of Industrial Relations 22 (4), 335-351, 2016
Intra-European labour migration and deteriorating employment relations in Danish cleaning and agriculture: Industrial relations under pressure from EU8/2 labour inflows?
B Refslund
Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (4), 597-621, 2016
When strong unions meet precarious migrants: Building trustful relations to unionise labour migrants in a high union-density setting
B Refslund
Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (2), 314-335, 2021
Active Enactment and Virtuous Circles of Employment Relations: How Danish Unions Organised the Transnationalised Copenhagen Metro Construction Project
J Arnholtz, B Refslund
Work, Employment and Society 44 (3), 682 –699, 2019
From employee representation to problem-solving-Mainstreaming OHS management
P Hasle, R Seim, B Refslund
Economic and Industrial Democracy 40 (3), 662–681, 2019
Offshoring Danish jobs to Germany: regional effects and challenges to workers' organisation in the slaughterhouse industry
B Refslund
Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation 6 (2), 113-129, 2012
Orchestration in work environment policy programs
P Hasle, HJ Limborg, S Grøn, B Refslund
Nordic journal of working life studies 7 (3), 43, 2017
Intra‐European labour migration and low‐wage competition—comparing the Danish and Swedish experiences across three sectors
B Refslund, A Thörnquist
Industrial Relations Journal 47 (1), 62-78, 2016
Reducing precarious work in Europe through social dialogue: the case of Denmark
S Rasmussen, B Refslund, OH Sørensen, T Larsen
Adjusting the Danish industrial relations system after Laval: recalibration rather than erosion
B Refslund
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 21 (2), 247-251, 2015
Cutting to the bone: Workers’ solidarity in the Danish-German slaughterhouse industry
B Refslund, I Wagner
Re-constructuring solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the …, 2018
Migrant Workers Trapped between Individualism and Collectivism. The Formation of Union-Based Workplace Collectivism
B Refslund, M Sippola
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (3), 1004-1027, 2022
Safety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU: the view from the workplace
D Walters, E Wadsworth, P Hasle, B Refslund, M Ramioul, AB Antonsson
Islands in the stream? Challenges and resilience of the Danish industrial relations model in a liberalising world
B Refslund, OH Sørensen
Industrial Relations Journal 47 (5-6), 530-546, 2016
Safety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU: Final report from the 3-year SESAME project
D Walters, E Wadsworth, P Hasle, B Refslund, M Ramioul
Offshoring of jobs and internationalisation of production: empirical investigations of labour market and welfare state effects in Denmark and the Nordic countries
B Refslund, JG Andersen
Udflytning af danske slagteriarbejdspladser
B Refslund
Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 15 (1), 52-71, 2013
Virkemidler i arbejdsmiljøindsatsen: Afslutningsrapport fra Center for forskning i virkemidler og arbejdsmiljøindsatser (CAVI)
P Hasle, N Møller, B Refslund, HJ Limborg, KT Nielsen, P Bramming, ...
Center for forskning i virkemidler og arbejdsmiljøindsatser, CAVI, 2016
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