Marina Allegrezza
Marina Allegrezza
Associate Professor Environmental and applied Botany, Polytechnic University of Marche
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Plant communities of Italy: the vegetation prodrome
E Biondi, C Blasi, M Allegrezza, I Anzellotti, MM Azzella, E Carli, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
Short-term effects of nitrogen enrichment, litter removal and cutting on a Mediterranean grassland
G Bonanomi, S Caporaso, M Allegrezza
Acta Oecologica 30 (3), 419-425, 2006
Impact of invasive alien plants on native plant communities and Natura 2000 habitats: State of the art, gap analysis and perspectives in Italy
L Lazzaro, R Bolpagni, G Buffa, R Gentili, M Lonati, A Stinca, ATR Acosta, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 274, 111140, 2020
La vegetazione dell'ordine Brometalia erecti Br.-Bl. 1936 nell'Appennino (Italia)
Biondi E., Ballelli S., Allegrezza M., Zuccarello V.
Fitosociologia 30, 3-45, 1995
A methodological protocol for Annex I Habitats monitoring: the contribution of Vegetation science
D Gigante, F Attorre, R Venanzoni, ATR Acosta, E Agrillo, M Aleffi, ...
Plant Sociology 53 (2), 77-87, 2016
Syntaxonomic revision of the Apennine grasslands belonging to Brometalia erecti, and an analysis of their relationships with the xerophilous vegetation of Rosmarinetea …
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, V Zuccarello
The syntaxonomy of the mesophilous woods of the Central and Northern Apennines (Italy)
E Biondi, S Casavecchia, M Pinzi, M Allegrezza, M Baldoni
Fitosociologia 39 (2), 71-93, 2002
Vegetazione e paesaggio vegetale della dorsale del Monte San Vicino (Appennino centrale)
M Allegrezza
Società Italiana di Fitosociologia, 2003
La vegetazione di Campo Imperatore (Gran Sasso d’Italia)
E Biondi, S Ballelli, M Allegrezza, F Taffetani, AR Frattaroli, J Guitan, ...
Braun-Blanquetia 16, 53-116, 1999
New and validated syntaxa for the checklist of Italian vegetation
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, S Casavecchia, D Galdenzi, R Gasparri, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
La vegetazione dei settori rupestri calcarei dell'Italia centrale
M Allegrezza, E Biondi, S Ballelli, E Formica
Fitosociologia 32, 91-120, 1997
Mantelli di vegetazione nel piano collinare dell'Appennino centrale
E Biondi, M Allegrezza, J Guitian
Documents phytosociologiques 11, 479-490, 1988
Clarification of some aspects related to genotoxicity assessment
EFSA Scientific Committee, A Hardy, D Benford, T Halldorsson, M Jeger, ...
EFSA Journal 15 (12), e05113, 2017
A phytosociological analysis of the vegetation of the central Adriatic sector of the Italian peninsula
M Allegrezza, E Biondi, S Felici
Hacquetia 5 (2), 2006
Effects of nitrogen enrichment, plant litter removal and cutting on a species‐rich Mediterranean calcareous grassland
G Bonanomi, S Caporaso, M Allegrezza
Plant Biosystems 143 (3), 443-455, 2009
Fairy rings caused by a killer fungus foster plant diversity in species‐rich grassland
G Bonanomi, A Mingo, G Incerti, S Mazzoleni, M Allegrezza
Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (2), 236-248, 2012
A first checklist of the alien-dominated vegetation in Italy
D Viciani, M Vidali, D Gigante, R Bolpagni, M Villani, ATR Acosta, ...
Plant Sociology 57, 29-54, 2020
Assessing the impact of land abandonment, nitrogen enrichment and fairy-ring fungi on plant diversity of Mediterranean grasslands
G Bonanomi, G Incerti, M Allegrezza
Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 2285-2304, 2013
Microclimate buffering and fertility island formation during Juniperus communis ontogenesis modulate competition–facilitation balance
M Allegrezza, G Corti, S Cocco, S Pesaresi, GB Chirico, A Saracino, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 27 (3), 616-627, 2016
Effetti della colonizzazione di Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roemer et Schultes sulla diversità di alcune fitocenosi erbacee dell’Appennino centrale
G Bonanomi, M Allegrezza
Fitosociologia 41 (2), 51-69, 2004
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