Theresa Bloder
Theresa Bloder
Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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Speech and language therapy Service for Multilingual Children: attitudes and approaches across four European countries
T Bloder, M Eikerling, T Rinker, ML Lorusso
Sustainability 13 (21), 12143, 2021
A Nonword Repetition Task Discriminates Typically Developing Italian-German Bilingual Children From Bilingual Children With Developmental Language Disorder: The Role of …
MR Eikerling, TS Bloder, ML Lorusso
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 826540, 2022
Careful Whisper--leveraging advances in automatic speech recognition for robust and interpretable aphasia subtype classification
L Wagner, M Zusag, T Bloder
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.01327, 2023
Evaluating the role of word-related parameters in the discriminative power of a novel nonword repetition task for bilingual children
T Bloder, M Eikerling, ML Lorusso
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-18, 2023
Come migliorare la valutazione e il trattamento dei bambini multilingui con disturbo primario del linguaggio e disturbo specifico dell’apprendimento
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
Italian and German lexical development in Italian heritage speakers in kindergarten and elementary school settings
T Rinker, T Bloder, K Plotner
Lingue e linguaggio 21 (1), 53-72, 2022
Acoustic Correlates of Central Vowels in Russian-English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children
SVH van der Feest, G Medina, E Maryutina, I Davidovich, T Bloder, ...
The role of language input in typical bilingual language development: implications for the assessment of atypical bilingual language development
TS Bloder
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 2023
Diagnostik und Behandlung von mehrsprachigen Kindern mit Sprach-und Leserechtschreibstörungen
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
Comment améliorer l’évaluation et le traitement des enfants multilingues présentant des troubles du langage et de la lecture
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
Hoe de beoordeling en behandeling van meertalige kinderen met taal-en leesstoornissen verbeterd kan worden
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
Cómo mejorar el diagnóstico y tratamiento de niños y niñas multilingües con trastornos del lenguaje y de lectura
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
How to improve assessment and treatment of multilingual children with language and reading disorders
ML Lorusso, M Eikerling, T Bloder, T Rinker, MT Guasti, T Marinis
Sprachtherapie im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit–Eine Bestandsaufnahme: Was fehlt?* Taking Stock: Speech-Language Therapy in the Context of Multilingualism-What’s Missing?
T Bloder, M Eikerling, T Rinker, ML Lorusso
Forschung Sprache, 27, 0
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