Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira
Renata Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira
Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais
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Analysis of the potential demand of automated delivery stations for e-commerce deliveries in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
LK de Oliveira, E Morganti, L Dablanc, RLM de Oliveira
Research in Transportation Economics 65, 34-43, 2017
Analysis of accessibility from collection and delivery points: Towards the sustainability of the e-commerce delivery
LK Oliveira, RLM Oliveira, LTM Sousa, IP Caliari, COL Nascimento
urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana 11, e20190048, 2019
The assessment of corporate social responsibility: The construction of an industry ranking and identification of potential for improvement
R Oliveira, A Zanella, AS Camanho
European Journal of Operational Research 278 (2), 498-513, 2019
An Overview of Problems and Solutions for Urban Freight Transport in Brazilian Cities
SF Leise Oliveira, Betty Barraza, Bruno Bertocini, Cassiano Isler, Dannúbia ...
Sustainability 10 (4), 1233, 2018
Expanded eco-efficiency assessment of large mining firms
R Oliveira, AS Camanho, A Zanella
Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 2364-2373, 2017
The geography of warehouses in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region and contributing factors to this spatial distribution
L Guerin, JGV Vieira, RLM Oliveira, LK Oliveira, HEM Vieira, L Dablanc
Journal of Transport Geography 91, 2021
A temporal progressive analysis of the social performance of mining firms based on a Malmquist index estimated with a Benefit-of-the-Doubt directional model
R Oliveira, A Zanella, AS Camanho
Journal of Cleaner Production 267, 121807, 2020
Is the location of warehouses changing in the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area (Brazil)? A logistics sprawl analysis in a Latin American context
LK Oliveira, OR Santos, RLM Oliveira, RAA Nóbrega
Urban Science 2 (2), 43, 2018
Some observations on the mosquitoes of Indian settlements in Xingu National Park, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, with emphasis on malaria vectors.
RL De Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Biologia 49 (2), 393-397, 1989
Access to urban activities during the Covid-19 pandemic and impacts on urban mobility: The Brazilian context
LSFP Bracarense, RLM de Oliveira
Transport Policy 110, 98-111, 2021
A sustainable approach for urban farming based on city logistics concepts for local production and consumption of vegetables
RLM de Oliveira, IV Santos, GF Graciano, AAC Libânio, LK de Oliveira, ...
Research in Transportation Economics 87, 101038, 2021
Challenges to urban freight transport in historical cities: A case study for Sabará (Brazil)
LK de Oliveira, ADR Macedo, JCL Sampaio, TPM de Oliveira, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 39, 370-380, 2019
Modelo neuro-fuzzy para escolha modal no transporte de cargas
RLM Oliveira, MVQ Cury
XIII Panamerican Conference-Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Nova …, 2004
Accessibility to food retailers: The case of belo horizonte, Brazil
RLM Oliveira, CSHF Garcia, PH Goes Pinto
Sustainability 12 (7), 2654, 2020
Changes in warehouse spatial patterns and rental prices: Are they related? Exploring the case of US metropolitan areas
RLM De Oliveira, L Dablanc, M Schorung
Journal of Transport Geography 104, 103450, 2022
Modelo de geração de viagens de carga em áreas urbanas: um estudo para bares, restaurantes e supermercados
DG Oliveira, L. K., Oliveira, R. L. M., Ramos, C. M. F., Ebias
Transportes 24 (2), 53-67, 2016
A escolha modal no transporte de cargas sob a ótica da modelagem neuro-fuzzy: um estudo de caso
RLM Oliveira, MVQ Cury
XVIII Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes, 1122-1132, 2004
An investigation of contributing factors for warehouse location and the relationship between local attributes and explanatory variables of Warehouse Freight Trip Generation Model
LK de Oliveira, GP Lopes, RLM de Oliveira, LSFP Bracarense, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 162, 206-219, 2022
An analysis of the effects on rail operational efficiency due to a merger between brazilian rail companies: the case of RUMO-ALL
FG Ferreira da Silva, R Lúcia Magalhães de Oliveira, M Marinov
Sustainability 12 (12), 4827, 2020
Proposição de modelos de geração de viagens para Belo Horizonte
LK de Oliveira, LC de Morais Stubbs, NT Gontijo, RLM de Oliveira
Transportes 25 (2), 137-155, 2017
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