The marketization of employment services: The dilemmas of Europe's work-first welfare states I Greer, KN Breidahl, M Knuth, F Larsen Oxford University Press, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Do shared values promote social cohesion? If so, which? Evidence from Denmark KN Breidahl, N Holtug, K Kongshøj European Political Science Review 10 (1), 97-118, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
Scandinavian exceptionalism? Civic integration and labour market activation for newly arrived immigrants KN Breidahl Comparative Migration Studies 5, 1-19, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
The myth of unadaptable gender roles: Attitudes towards women’s paid work among immigrants across 30 European countries KN Breidahl, CA Larsen Journal of European Social Policy 26 (5), 387-401, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Does active labour market policy have an impact on social marginalization? KN Breidahl, SL Clement Social Policy & Administration 44 (7), 845-864, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Når staten lærer: En historisk og komparativ analyse af statslig policy læring og betydningen heraf for udviklingen i den arbejdsmarkedsrettede del af indvandrerpolitikken i … KN Breidahl | 28 | 2012 |
Jobcentret som organisatorisk fænomen KN Breidahl, J Seemann Frydenlund Academic, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Evaluation of large-scale public-sector reforms: A comparative analysis KN Breidahl, G Gjelstrup, HF Hansen, MB Hansen American Journal of Evaluation 38 (2), 226-245, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
The developing trajectory of the marketization of public employment services in Denmark—A new way forward or the end of marketization? KN Breidahl, F Larsen European Policy Analysis 1 (1), 92-107, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Migrants' attitudes and the welfare state: The Danish melting pot KN Breidahl, TF Hedegaard, K Kongshøj, CA Larsen Book presentation, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Anxiety and trust in times of health crisis: How parents navigated health risks during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark B Fersch, A Schneider-Kamp, KN Breidahl Health, Risk & Society 24 (1-2), 36-53, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Social Security Provision Targeted at Immigrants—A Forerunner for the General Change of Scandinavian Equal Citizenship? A Danish Case Study KN Breidahl Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe: Challenges to Social …, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Building, breaking, overriding…? Migrants and institutional trust in the Danish welfare state B Fersch, KN Breidahl International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 38 (7-8), 592-605, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Immigrant-targeted activation policies: a comparison of the approaches in the Scandinavian welfare states KN Breidahl Social Policy Review 24, 117-136, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Bringing Different States In KN Breidahl, B Fersch Nordic Journal of Migration Research 8 (2), 99-106, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Eight attention points when evaluating large-scale public-sector reforms MB Hansen, KN Breidahl, JE Furubo, A Halvorsen Handbook of social policy evaluation, 456-470, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Den danske velfærdsstat og de nye medborgere: Bakker ikke-vestlige indvandrere og efterkommere op om velfærdsstatens centrale værdier? KN Breidahl Politica 49 (3), 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
The power of ideas in policymaking processes: The role of institutionalised knowledge production in state bureaucracies NA Andersen, KN Breidahl Social Policy & Administration 55 (5), 848-862, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
The global challenge of mass migration and asylum: Comparative analysis of street-level organizations at the front lines KN Breidahl, EZ Brodkin, J Miaz Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 26 (1), 1-9, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Udfordringer og dilemmaer i det offentlige-private samspil på beskæftigelsesområdet: Markedsgørelse i flere versioner KN Breidahl, F Larsen Politica 47 (4), 2015 | 6 | 2015 |