Visakh V Krishna
Long term rail surface damage considering maintenance interventions
VV Krishna, S Hossein-Nia, C Casanueva, S Stichel
Wear 460, 203462, 2020
Rail RCF damage quantification and comparison for different damage models
VV Krishna, S Hossein-Nia, C Casanueva, S Stichel, G Trummer, K Six
Railway Engineering Science, 1-18, 2022
Assessment of running gear performance in relation to rolling contact fatigue of wheels and rails based on stochastic simulations
K Six, T Mihalj, G Trummer, C Marte, VV Krishna, S Hossein-Nia, S Stichel
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2020
An integrated numerical framework to investigate the running safety of overlong freight trains
VV Krishna, D Jobstfinke, S Melzi, M Berg
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2021
Tolerable longitudinal forces for freight trains in tight S-curves using three-dimensional multi-body simulations
VV Krishna, M Berg, S Stichel
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2020
Long freight trains & long-term rail surface damage–a systems perspective
VV Krishna, Q Wu, S Hossein-Nia, M Spiryagin, S Stichel
Vehicle System Dynamics 61 (6), 1500-1523, 2023
FR8RAIL Y25 running gear for high tonnage and speed
VV Krishna, S Hossein Nia, C Casanueva, S Stichel
International Heavy Haul Association STS Conference, on the 10th–14th June …, 2019
Heavy haul rail/wheel wear and RCF assessments using 3D train models and a new wear map
Q Wu, E Bernal, M Spiryagin, V Krishna, H Ding, S Stichel, C Cole
Wear 538, 205226, 2024
Long freight trains & Long-term rail surface damage: Towards digital twins that enable predictive maintenance of track
VV Krishna, Q Wu, S Hossein Nia, M Spiryagin, S Stichel
World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR2022), 2022
D3. 2–Safety precautions in train configuration and brake application
M Marsilla, M Berg, VV Krishna, D Jobstfinke, S Melzi, R Gisbert
Longitudinal Train Dynamics for Freight Wagons passing through an S-curve
VV Krishna, M Berg, S Stichel
International Railway Symposium, Aachen, November 28-30, 2017, 193-203, 2017
Simulation-based evaluation of maintenance strategies from a life cycle cost perspective
HN Saeed, VV Krishna, K Odolinski, PT Torstensson, A Ait-Ali, ...
Wear 532, 205120, 2023
New methodology to estimate costs caused by rail wear and RCF depending on the type of running gear
VV Krishna, S Hossein-Nia, S Stichel
The IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and …, 2019
Evaluation of passive and mechatronic steering systems for three-axle locomotive bogies by means of multibody simulations
M Pàlinkò, S Bruni, E DiGialleonardo, B Liu, VV Krishna, J Munoz
BOGIE'19-The 11th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running …, 2019
LCC evaluation of rail maintenance strategies using simulations of long-term mechanical degradation
P Torstensson, S Hossein-Nia, A Ait Ali, K Odolinski, PO Larsson Kråik, ...
Transportforum, Linköping, Sverige, 17-18 januari, 2024., 408-409, 2024
Rail/wheel wear and RCF assessments using 3D train models and a new wear map
Q Wu, E Bernal, M Spiryagin, VV Krishna, S Stichel, C Cole
12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel …, 2022
Long freight trains and long-term rail surface damage
VV Krishna
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2022
Evolution of wheel-rail kinematic coupling due to RCF and natural & maintenance-induced wear using vehicle dynamic simulations
VV Krishna, S Hossein Nia, C Casanueva, S Stichel
26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2020+ 1), 2021
System-wide impact of vehicle innovations: Evaluating track-friendliness during vehicle design
C Casanueva, VV Krishna, S Stichel
Resource efficient vehicle conference (REV 2021) online, 2021
Deliverable 4.1-Development of Functional Requirements for Sustainable and Attractive European Rail Freight: Detailed running gear and wagon design concept
VV Krishna, S Stichel, S Hossein Nia
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