Fabiano Turini Farah
Fabiano Turini Farah
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BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Balancing economic costs and ecological outcomes of passive and active restoration in agricultural landscapes: the case of Brazil
PHS Brancalion, D Schweizer, U Gaudare, JR Mangueira, F Lamonato, ...
Biotropica 48 (6), 856-867, 2016
Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: A cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species
T Püttker, R Crouzeilles, M Almeida-Gomes, M Schmoeller, D Maurenza, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108368, 2020
Protocol for monitoring tropical forest restoration: perspectives from the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil
RAG Viani, KD Holl, A Padovezi, BBN Strassburg, FT Farah, LC Garcia, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 10, 1940082917697265, 2017
The cryptic regulation of diversity by functionally complementary large tropical forest herbivores
N Villar, T Siqueira, V Zipparro, F Farah, G Schmaedecke, L Hortenci, ...
Journal of Ecology 108 (1), 279-290, 2020
Integrating plant richness in forest patches can rescue overall biodiversity in human-modified landscapes
FT Farah, R de Lara Muylaert, MC Ribeiro, JW Ribeiro, JRSA Mangueira, ...
Forest ecology and management 397, 78-88, 2017
Monitoring young tropical forest restoration sites: how much to measure?
RAG Viani, TE Barreto, FT Farah, RR Rodrigues, PHS Brancalion
Tropical Conservation Science 11, 1940082918780916, 2018
Forest destructuring as revealed by the temporal dynamics of fundamental species–case study of Santa Genebra Forest in Brazil
FT Farah, RR Rodrigues, FAM Santos, JY Tamashiro, GJ Shepherd, ...
Ecological Indicators 37, 40-44, 2014
Reference and comparison values for ecological indicators in assessing restoration areas in the Atlantic Forest
V Londe, FT Farah, RR Rodrigues, FR Martins
Ecological Indicators 110, 105928, 2020
Ecological management of degraded forest fragments
A de Fdtima Rozza, FT Farah, RR Rodrigues
High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in …, 2007
Produção animal e recursos hídricos.
JCP Palhares, AD Mackay, AM Pedroso, APO Rodrigues, AG Nave, ...
São Carlos: Cubo, 2016., 2016
Biodiversity conservation of forests and their ecological restoration in highly-modified landscapes
CY Vidal, JR Mangueira, FT Farah, DC Rother, RR Rodrigues
Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes of Southeastern Brazil. De Gruyter …, 2016
Favorecimento da regeneração de um trecho degradado de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual
FT Farah
Dissertação de Mestrado.. Campinas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 221pp, 2003
Programa de adequação ambiental das áreas agrícolas da Cia Açucareira Vale do Rosário
RR Rodrigues, S Gandolfi, AG Nave, FT Farah, E Novaes, RAS Piromal
Adequação Ambiental e Agrícola: cumprimento da Lei de Proteção da Vegetação Nativa dentro do conceito de paisagens multifuncionais
RR Rodrigues, FT Farah, FHF Lamonato, AG Nave, S Gandolfi, ...
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2016
Manual de restauração ecológica–técnicos e produtores rurais no extremo sul da Bahia
A Nave, RR Rodrigues, PHS Brancalion, FT Farah, CC SILVA, ...
São Paulo: LERF/ESALQ/USP: Bioflora Tecnologia da Restauração, 23-28, 2015
Protocol for monitoring tropical forest restoration: perspectives from the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil. Trop Conserv Sci 10: 1–8
RA Viani, KD Holl, A Padovezi, BBN Strassburg, FT Farah, LC Garcia, ...
Estimating optimal sampling area for monitoring tropical forest restoration
V Londe, JL Reid, FT Farah, RR Rodrigues, FR Martins
Biological Conservation 269, 109532, 2022
Protocolo de monitoramento para programas e projetos de restauração florestal
RAG Viani, RR Rodrigues, A Padovezi, FT Farah, LC Garcia, ...
Manual técnico de restauração ecológica para adequação ambiental de imóveis rurais do extremo sul da Bahia
AG Nave, RR Rodrigues, PHS Brancalion, FT Farah, CC Silva, ...
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