Nonlinear programming DP Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 1999 | 19973 | 1999 |
Dynamic programming and optimal control DP Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 1995 | 16348* | 1995 |
Data networks DP Bertsekas, RG Gallager Prentice-hall, 1987 | 12774* | 1987 |
Parallel and distributed computation DP Bertsekas, JN Tsitsiklis Prentice Hall Inc., 1989 | 9367* | 1989 |
Neuro-dynamic programming DP Bertsekas, JN Tsitsiklis Decision and Control, 1995., Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on, 1996 | 8313 | 1996 |
Constrained optimization and Lagrange multiplier methods DP Bertsekas Academic press, 2014 | 6644 | 2014 |
Dynamic programming and stochastic control DP Bertsekas Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on, 1976 | 4595 | 1976 |
Introduction to linear optimization D Bertsimas, JN Tsitsiklis Athena Scientific 6, 479-530, 1997 | 4458 | 1997 |
On the Douglas—Rachford splitting method and the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators J Eckstein, DP Bertsekas Mathematical Programming 55 (1-3), 293-318, 1992 | 3270 | 1992 |
Convex analysis and optimization D Bertsekas, A Nedic, A Ozdaglar Athena Scientific, 2003 | 3106 | 2003 |
Stochastic optimal control: the discrete-time case D Bertsekas, SE Shreve Athena Scientific, 1996 | 2799 | 1996 |
Distributed asynchronous deterministic and stochastic gradient optimization algorithms J Tsitsiklis, D Bertsekas, M Athans IEEE transactions on automatic control 31 (9), 803-812, 1986 | 2307 | 1986 |
Introduction to Probability DP Bertsekas, JN Tsitsiklis Athena Scientific, 2002 | 1391* | 2002 |
Network optimization: continuous and discrete models D Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 1998 | 1360 | 1998 |
Convex optimization theory D Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 2009 | 1186 | 2009 |
Approximate dynamic programming DP Bertsekas (No Title), 2018 | 959 | 2018 |
Recursive state estimation for a set-membership description of uncertainty D Bertsekas, I Rhodes IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 16 (2), 117-128, 1971 | 941 | 1971 |
Reinforcement learning and optimal control D Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 2019 | 907 | 2019 |
Projected Newton methods for optimization problems with simple constraints DP Bertsekas SIAM Journal on control and Optimization 20 (2), 221-246, 1982 | 893 | 1982 |
Convex optimization algorithms D Bertsekas Athena Scientific, 2015 | 846 | 2015 |