Marijana Pocrnić
Marijana Pocrnić
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
在 chem.pmf.unizg.hr 的电子邮件经过验证
Determination of thermodynamic acidity constants and limiting ionic mobilities of weak electrolytes by capillary electrophoresis using a new free software AnglerFish
M Malý, M Boublík, M Pocrnić, M Ansorge, K Lorinčíková, J Svobodová, ...
Electrophoresis 41 (7-8), 493-501, 2020
Chiral separation of beta-blockers by high-performance liquid chromatography and determination of bisoprolol enantiomers in surface waters
M Pocrnić, M Ansorge, M Dovhunová, E Tesařová, N Galić
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju 71 (1), 56-62, 2020
Teucrium montanum L.—Unrecognized Source of Phenylethanoid Glycosides: Green Extraction Approach and Elucidation of Phenolic Compounds via NMR and …
A Mandura Jarić, A Čikoš, M Pocrnić, K Aladić, S Jokić, D Šeremet, ...
Antioxidants 12 (11), 1903, 2023
Radiation-induced degradation of doxazosin: Role of reactive species, toxicity, mineralization and degradation pathways
IT Bujak, M Pocrnić, K Blažek, K Bojanić, P Trebše, AT Lebedev, N Galić
Journal of Water Process Engineering 51, 103401, 2023
Gallium (III) complexes of aroylhydrazones derived from nicotinic acid hydrazide in solid state and in solution
M Pocrnić, D Kontrec, S Miljanić, Ž Soldin, A Budimir, N Galić
Journal of Molecular Structure 1227, 129564, 2021
Search for new antimicrobials: spectroscopic, spectrometric, and in vitro antimicrobial activity investigation of Ga (III) and Fe (III) complexes with aroylhydrazones
D Klarić, M Pocrnić, D Lež, S Polović, D Kontrec, I Kosalec, A Budimir, ...
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 27 (8), 715-729, 2022
UHPLC-Q-TOF analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in North-Macedonian honey
M Cvetanoska, M Pocrnić, M Stefova, N Galić, J Petreska Stanoeva
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B 17 (1), 5-15, 2024
γ–radiolytic degradation of rosuvastatin in the air–saturated aqueous solution
L Mandić, M Pocrnić, N Galić, B Mihaljević, I Džeba
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 208, 110885, 2023
Inclusion complexes of meloxicam and selected cyclodextrins in solution and in the solid state
M Pocrnić, N Galić
27. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (27HSKIKI), 45-45, 2021
Kompleksiranja lantanoida aroilhidrazonima izvedenim iz nikotinohidrazida: spektrofotometrijsko određivanje
F Grgić, H Rimanić, M Pocrnić, D Kontrec, A Budimir, N Galić
26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (26HSKIKI); 4. simpozij …, 2019
Kompleksiranje lantanoida aroilhidrazonima izvedenim iz nikotinohidrazida: određivanje spektrometrijom masa
N Galić, M Pocrnić, D Kontrec
26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (26HSKIKI); 4. simpozij …, 2019
Solubilization study of inclusion complexes of praziquantel with β-cyclodextrin and its derivatives by liquid chromatography
M Pocrnić, D Klarić, M Jug, N Galić
13th Summer Course for Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (MSBM …, 2019
Inclusion complexes of praziquantel and β-cyclodextrin and its derivatives
D Klarić, M Pocrnić, M Jug, N Galić
19th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 70-71, 2019
Complexation of lanthanides by aroylhydrazones derived from nicotinic acid hydrazide: mass spectrometric determination
N Galić, M Pocrnić, D Kontrec
26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, 2019
High performance liquid chromatography method for enantiomeric separation of beta-blockers
M Pocrnić, M Dovhunova, M Ansorge, E Tesarova, N Galić
18th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 66-66, 2018
Interaction of aromatic hydrazones and selected lanthanides
M Pocrnić, D Kontrec, A Budimir, N Galić
18th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 67-67, 2018
Determination of isoelectric points for pI markers in capillary isoelectric focusing
M Ansorge, J Šteflova, M Pocrnić, A Moldovan, G Vigh
18th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 48-48, 2018
Determination of ergot alkaloids in animal feed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
M Ivešić, M Pocrnić, A Krivohlavek, N Galić
Food Safety and Quality Congress with international participation-New …, 2017
Toxicity of mycotoxin fumonisin B1 to duckweed (Lemna minor L.)
V Vujčić, AM Domijan, M Ivešić, M Pocrnić, A Krivohlavek, M Peraica, ...
The 5th Croatian Congress of Toxicology with International Participation …, 2016
Istraživanje utjecaja nanočestica srebra na modelne membrane i liposome 1, 2-dimiristoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfokolina FTIR spektroskopijom
M Pocrnić
Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2015
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