Pak Lui
Pak Lui
其他姓名Pak Nin Lui
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Strong scaling of general-purpose molecular dynamics simulations on GPUs
J Glaser, TD Nguyen, JA Anderson, P Lui, F Spiga, JA Millan, DC Morse, ...
Computer Physics Communications 192, 97-107, 2015
Scalable hierarchical aggregation protocol (SHArP): A hardware architecture for efficient data reduction
RL Graham, D Bureddy, P Lui, H Rosenstock, G Shainer, G Bloch, ...
2016 First International Workshop on Communication Optimizations in HPC …, 2016
The development of Mellanox/NVIDIA GPUDirect over InfiniBand—a new model for GPU to GPU communications
G Shainer, A Ayoub, P Lui, T Liu, M Kagan, CR Trott, G Scantlen, ...
Computer Science-Research and Development 26, 267-273, 2011
The co-design architecture for exascale systems, a novel approach for scalable designs
G Shainer, T Wilde, P Lui, T Liu, M Kagan, M Dubman, Y Shahar, ...
Computer Science-Research and Development 28, 119-125, 2013
Maximizing application performance in a multi-core, NUMA-aware compute cluster by multi-level tuning
G Shainer, P Lui, M Hilgeman, J Layton, C Stevens, W Stemple, S Schultz, ...
Supercomputing: 28th International Supercomputing Conference, ISC 2013 …, 2013
The impact of inter-node latency versus intra-node latency on HPC applications
G Shainer, P Lui, T Liu, T Wilde, J Layton
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and …, 2011
Accelerating high performance computing applications through mpi offloading
G Shainer, T Liu, P Lui, R Graham
HPC Advisory Council, 2011
Scalability Performance Analysis of OpenFOAM on Modern HPC Clustering Technologies
P Lui, HPCA Council
The 3rd OpenFOAM User Conference 2015, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015
Sun HPC ClusterTools™ 7+: A Binary Distribution of Open MPI
T Dontje, D Kerr, D Lacher, P Lui, E Mallove, K Norteman, R Vandevaart, ...
Tools for High Performance Computing: Proceedings of the 2nd International …, 2008
Flow Cytometric Techniques in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Acute Leukaemias
MG Ooi, PL Lui, TC Liu, SY Lee
Pathogenesis and Treatment of Leukemia, 47-59, 2023
Performance Optimizations via Connect-IB™ and Dynamically Connected Transport™ Service for Maximum Performance on LS-DYNA®
P Lui, G Shainer, B Klaff
The Development of Mellanox-NVIDIA GPUDirect over InfiniBand-a New Model for GPU to GPU Communications.
PS Crozier, G Shainer, A Ayoub, P Lui, T Liu, CR Trott, G Scantlen
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2011
Optimizing OpenFOAM Productivity in Clusters
G Shainer, T Liu, P Lui, J Layton, S Schultz
Desktop Engineering 16 (3), 32-34, 2010
Achieving Higher Productivity on Abaqus Simulations with HPC Clustering Technologies
P Lui, G Shainer, D Cho, S Schultz, R Graham
Maximizing Cluster Utilization for LS-DYNA® Using 100Gb/s InfiniBand
P Lui, G Shainer, S Schultz
MPI Optimizations via MXM and FCA for Maximum Performance on LS-DYNA®
G Shainer, T Liu, P Lui, T Wilde
RL Graham, D Bureddy, P Lui, H Rosenstock, G Shainer, G Bloch, ...
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