Jennifer Adam
Jennifer Adam
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Potential impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions
TP Barnett, JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier
Nature 438 (7066), 303-309, 2005
A long-term hydrologically based dataset of land surface fluxes and states for the conterminous United States
EP Maurer, AW Wood, JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier, B Nijssen
Journal of climate 15 (22), 3237-3251, 2002
Creation of the WATCH forcing data and its use to assess global and regional reference crop evaporation over land during the twentieth century
GP Weedon, S Gomes, P Viterbo, WJ Shuttleworth, E Blyth, H Österle, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 12 (5), 823-848, 2011
Implications of global climate change for snowmelt hydrology in the twenty‐first century
JC Adam, AF Hamlet, DP Lettenmaier
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (7), 962-972, 2009
Adjustment of global gridded precipitation for systematic bias
JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D9), 2003
Improving the representation of hydrologic processes in Earth System Models
MP Clark, Y Fan, DM Lawrence, JC Adam, D Bolster, DJ Gochis, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (8), 5929-5956, 2015
How much runoff originates as snow in the western United States, and how will that change in the future?
D Li, ML Wrzesien, M Durand, J Adam, DP Lettenmaier
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (12), 6163-6172, 2017
Analysis of the Arctic system for freshwater cycle intensification: Observations and expectations
MA Rawlins, M Steele, MM Holland, JC Adam, JE Cherry, JA Francis, ...
Journal of Climate 23 (21), 5715-5737, 2010
Correction of global precipitation products for orographic effects
JC Adam, EA Clark, DP Lettenmaier, EF Wood
Journal of Climate 19 (1), 15-38, 2006
Climate model based consensus on the hydrologic impacts of climate change to the Rio Lempa basin of Central America
EP Maurer, JC Adam, AW Wood
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (2), 183-194, 2009
The WATCH forcing data 1958-2001: A meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models
O Boucher, M Best
WATCH technical report, 2010
Simulation of reservoir influences on annual and seasonal streamflow changes for the Lena, Yenisei, and Ob'rivers
JC Adam, I Haddeland, F Su, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D24), 2007
Streamflow simulations of the terrestrial Arctic domain
F Su, JC Adam, LC Bowling, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D8), 2005
Climate change reduces water availability for agriculture by decreasing non-evaporative irrigation losses
K Malek, JC Adam, CO Stöckle, RT Peters
Journal of Hydrology 561, 444-460, 2018
Application of new precipitation and reconstructed streamflow products to streamflow trend attribution in northern Eurasia
JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Climate 21 (8), 1807-1828, 2008
CropSyst model evolution: From field to regional to global scales and from research to decision support systems
CO Stöckle, AR Kemanian, RL Nelson, JC Adam, R Sommer, B Carlson
Environmental modelling & software 62, 361-369, 2014
Evaluation of surface water fluxes of the pan‐Arctic land region with a land surface model and ERA‐40 reanalysis
F Su, JC Adam, KE Trenberth, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D5), 2006
Change in spring snowmelt timing in Eurasian Arctic rivers
A Tan, JC Adam, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D3), 2011
Conservation tillage in dryland agriculture impacts watershed hydrology
JB Van Wie, JC Adam, JL Ullman
Journal of hydrology 483, 26-38, 2013
The effects of climate change and extreme wildfire events on runoff erosion over a mountain watershed
GK Gould, M Liu, ME Barber, KA Cherkauer, PR Robichaud, JC Adam
Journal of Hydrology 536, 74-91, 2016
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