Iryna Babik
Iryna Babik
在 boisestate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Single-case design, analysis, and quality assessment for intervention research
MA Lobo, M Moeyaert, AB Cunha, I Babik
Journal of neurologic physical therapy 41 (3), 187-197, 2017
Factors Affecting the Perception of Disability: A Developmental Perspective
I Babik, ES Gardner
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 2459, 2021
Development of infant prehension handedness: A longitudinal analysis during the 6-to 14-month age period
CL Ferre, I Babik, GF Michel
Infant Behavior and Development 33 (4), 492-502, 2010
Multiple trajectories in the developmental psychobiology of human handedness
GF Michel, EL Nelson, I Babik, JM Campbell, EC Marcinowski
Advances in child development and behavior 45, 227-260, 2013
Latent classes in the developmental trajectories of infant handedness.
GF Michel, I Babik, CF Sheu, JM Campbell
Developmental Psychology 50 (2), 349, 2014
Infant hand preference and the development of cognitive abilities
GF Michel, JM Campbell, EC Marcinowski, EL Nelson, I Babik
Frontiers in psychology 7, 182451, 2016
START-Play Physical Therapy Intervention Impacts Motor and Cognitive Outcomes in Infants With Neuromotor Disorders: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial
RT Harbourne, SC Dusing, MA Lobo, SW McCoy, NA Koziol, LY Hsu, ...
Physical therapy 101 (2), pzaa232, 2021
How the development of handedness could contribute to the development of language
GF Michel, I Babik, EL Nelson, JM Campbell, EC Marcinowski
Developmental Psychobiology 55 (6), 608-620, 2013
The influence of a hand preference for acquiring objects on the development of a hand preference for unimanual manipulation from 6 to 14 months
JM Campbell, EC Marcinowski, I Babik, GF Michel
Infant Behavior and Development 39, 107-117, 2015
Assessing the validity and reliability of a new video goniometer app for measuring joint angles in adults and children
AB Cunha, I Babik, R Harbourne, NJ Cochran, J Stankus, K Szucs, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 101 (2), 275-282, 2020
Development of role‐differentiated bimanual manipulation in infancy: Part 1. The emergence of the skill
I Babik, GF Michel
Developmental Psychobiology 58 (2), 243-256, 2016
Sitting Together And Reaching To Play (START-Play): protocol for a multisite randomized controlled efficacy trial on intervention for infants with neuromotor disorders
RT Harbourne, SC Dusing, MA Lobo, S Westcott-McCoy, J Bovaird, ...
Physical therapy 98 (6), 494-502, 2018
Feasibility and effectiveness of a novel exoskeleton for an infant with arm movement impairments
I Babik, E Kokkoni, AB Cunha, JC Galloway, T Rahman, MA Lobo
Pediatric Physical Therapy 28 (3), 338-346, 2016
Early exploration of one’s own body, exploration of objects, and motor, language, and cognitive development relate dynamically across the first two years of life.
I Babik, JC Galloway, MA Lobo
Developmental Psychology 58 (2), 222, 2022
Postural influences on the development of infant lateralized and symmetric hand‐use
I Babik, JM Campbell, GF Michel
Child Development 85 (1), 294-307, 2014
Infants born preterm demonstrate impaired exploration of their bodies and surfaces throughout the first 2 years of life
I Babik, JC Galloway, MA Lobo
Physical therapy 97 (9), 915-925, 2017
Means‐end problem solving in infancy: Development, emergence of intentionality, and transfer of knowledge
I Babik, AB Cunha, SM Ross, SW Logan, JC Galloway, MA Lobo
Developmental psychobiology 61 (2), 191-202, 2019
Development of role‐differentiated bimanual manipulation in infancy: Part 2. Hand preferences for object acquisition and RDBM—continuity or discontinuity?
I Babik, GF Michel
Developmental Psychobiology 58 (2), 257-267, 2016
Prematurity may negatively impact means-end problem solving across the first two years of life
AB Cunha, I Babik, SM Ross, SW Logan, JC Galloway, E Clary, MA Lobo
Research in developmental disabilities 81, 24-36, 2018
Feasibility and effectiveness of intervention with the playskin lift exoskeletal garment for infants at risk
I Babik, AB Cunha, M Moeyaert, ML Hall, DA Paul, A Mackley, MA Lobo
Physical therapy 99 (6), 666-676, 2019
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