Haiyang Liu
Haiyang Liu
在 ntu.edu.sg 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Career-specific parental behaviors, career exploration and career adaptability: A three-wave investigation among Chinese undergraduates
Y Guan, F Wang, H Liu, Y Ji, X Jia, Z Fang, Y Li, H Hua, C Li
Journal of Vocational Behavior 86, 95-103, 2015
When do salary and job level predict career satisfaction and turnover intention among Chinese managers? The role of perceived organizational career management and career anchor
Y Guan, Y Wen, SX Chen, H Liu, W Si, Y Liu, Y Wang, R Fu, Y Zhang, ...
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (4), 596-607, 2014
How do leaders react when treated unfairly? Leader narcissism and self-interested behavior in response to unfair treatment.
H Liu, JTJ Chiang, R Fehr, M Xu, S Wang
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (11), 1590, 2017
We have emotions but can’t show them! Authoritarian leadership, emotion suppression climate, and team performance
JTJ Chiang, XP Chen, H Liu, S Akutsu, Z Wang
Human Relations 74 (7), 1082-1111, 2021
“Fully recharged” evenings? The effect of evening cyber leisure on next-day vitality and performance through sleep quantity and quality, bedtime procrastination, and …
H Liu, Y Ji, SB Dust
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (7), 990, 2021
Career locus of control and career success among Chinese employees: A multidimensional approach
Y Guan, Z Wang, Z Dong, Y Liu, Y Yue, H Liu, Y Zhang, W Zhou, H Liu
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (2), 295-310, 2013
The effect of mindfulness and job demands on motivation and performance trajectories across the workweek: An entrainment theory perspective.
SB Dust, H Liu, S Wang, CS Reina
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (2), 221, 2022
When is psychological safety helpful in organizations? A longitudinal study
MC Higgins, SR Dobrow, JM Weiner, H Liu
Academy of Management Discoveries 8 (1), 77-102, 2022
Asking how to fish vs. asking for fish: Antecedents and outcomes of different types of help‐seeking at work
Y Liu, FX Chen, JTJ Chiang, Z Wang, H Liu
Personnel Psychology 75 (3), 557-587, 2022
Leader–follower risk orientation incongruence, intellectual stimulation, and creativity: A configurational approach
H Liu, SB Dust, M Xu, Y Ji
Personnel Psychology 74 (1), 143-173, 2021
We may be different, but I can help you: The effects of leaders’ political skills on leader–follower power distance value incongruence and withdrawal behavior
Y Bai, Z Dong, H Liu, S Liu
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 24 (2), 216-229, 2017
刘海洋, 刘圣明, 王辉, 徐敏亚
南开管理评论 19 (5), 55-65, 2016
The influence of leader-follower value congruence in power distance on follower's performance and its mechanism
H Liu, S Liu, H Wang, M Xu
Nankai Business Review 19 (5), 55-65, 2016
When self‐love is threatened: Adopting a dual‐type view to understand leader narcissism and its impacts on LMX and newcomer work outcomes
H Liu, Y Liu, JTJ Chiang, S Wang, H Wang
Personnel Psychology, 2022
Leading with emotional labor: gender differences in leader emotional labor and employee performance
L Chen, S Akutsu, F Katsumura, H Liu, Y Zhang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 15283, 2017
Weight bias 2.0: the effect of perceived weight change on performance evaluation and the moderating role of anti-fat bias
Y Ji, Q Huang, H Liu, C Phillips
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 679802, 2021
Love is over: The moderating role of relationship tenure on leader narcissism and LMX
Y Zhang, L Guo, JTJ Chiang, H Liu, L Chen, S Liu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 15357, 2016
Are Narcissists More Creative? Only if We Believe It: How Narcissism Can Relate to Creativity
Y Ji, H Liu, S Liu, M Xu, Z Lin
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 8303, 2023
The dual inferences for authoritarian leaders’ negative emotional labor on follower OCB and CWB
JTJ Chiang, H Liu, Y Zhang, S Akutsu, F Katsumura
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 14936, 2017
Selfless leader and their selfless follower: the trickle-down effect of leader perceived fairness
H Liu, JTJ Chiang, M Xu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 16563, 2015
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