Jiri Panek
Jiri Panek
Department of Development and Environmental Studies, Palacky University in Olomouc
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Emotional mapping and its participatory potential: Opinions about cycling conditions in Reykjavík, Iceland
J Pánek, K Benediktsson
Cities 61, 65-73, 2017
From mental maps to GeoParticipation
J Pánek
The Cartographic Journal 53 (4), 300-307, 2016
Community mapping in urban informal settlements: Examples from Nairobi, Kenya
J Panek, L Sobotova
The electronic journal of information systems in developing countries 68 (1 …, 2015
Mapping emotions: spatial distribution of safety perception in the city of Olomouc
J Pánek, V Pászto, L Marek
The rise of big spatial data, 211-224, 2017
Emotional maps: Participatory crowdsourcing of citizens perceptions of their urban environment
J Pánek
Cartographic Perspectives, 17–29-17–29, 2018
How participatory mapping can drive community empowerment–a case study of Koffiekraal, South Africa
J Panek
South African Geographical Journal 97 (1), 18-30, 2015
Mapping citizens’ emotions: participatory planning support system in Olomouc, Czech Republic
J Pánek
Journal of Maps 15 (1), 8-12, 2019
Collaborative mapping and digital participation: A tool for local empowerment in developing countries
J Panek, R Netek
Information 10 (8), 255, 2019
The Crisis Map of the Czech Republic: the nationwide deployment of an Ushahidi application for disasters
J Pánek, L Marek, V Pászto, J Valůch
Disasters 41 (4), 649-671, 2017
Who are the voters and where are they? Using spatial statistics to analyse voting patterns in the parliamentary elections of the Czech Republic
J Lysek, J Pánek, T Lebeda
Journal of Maps 17 (1), 33-38, 2021
Evaluating a gentrifying neighborhood's changing sense of place using participatory mapping
J Pánek, MR Glass, L Marek
Cities 102, 102723, 2020
Spatial and temporal comparison of safety perception in urban spaces. Case study of Olomouc, Opava and Jihlava
J Pánek, V Pászto, P Šimáček
Dynamics in GIscience 4, 333-346, 2018
Comparing residents’ fear of crime with recorded crime data—Case study of Ostrava, Czech Republic
J Pánek, I Ivan, L Macková
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (9), 401, 2019
Encountering place: Mapping and location-based games in interdisciplinary education
J Pánek, A Gekker, S Hind, J Wendler, C Perkins, S Lammes
The Cartographic Journal 55 (3), 285-297, 2018
Between consultation and collaboration: self-reported objectives for 25 web-based geoparticipation projects in urban planning
I Babelon, J Pánek, E Falco, R Kleinhans, J Charlton
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (11), 783, 2021
Capturing cross-border continuity: The case of the Czech-Polish borderland
V Pásztó, K Macků, J Burian, J Pánek, P Tuček
Moravian Geographical Reports 27 (2), 122-138, 2019
Gaining a mobile sense of place with collector for ArcGIS
J Pánek, M Glass
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 42 (4), 603-616, 2018
GeoParticipace – jak používat prostorové nástroje v rozhodování o lokalitách, ve kterých žijeme?
J Pánek, M Hrubeš, M Kubásek, J Valůch, V Zahumenská
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014
Participatory mapping as a tool for community empowerment – a case study of community engagement in Koffiekraal, South Africa.
J Panek, AC Vlok
26th International Cartographic Conference, 2013
Emotional mapping in local neighbourhood planning: case study of Příbram, Czech Republic
J Pánek, V Pászto
Sustainable Infrastructure: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 541-564, 2020
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