Michal Kaminski
Isolation and Characterization of Pseudomonas spp. Strains That Efficiently Decompose Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
EM Furmanczyk, MA Kaminski, G Spolnik, M Sojka, W Danikiewicz, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1872, 2017
Pseudomonas silesiensis sp. nov. strain A3T isolated from a biological pesticide sewage treatment plant and analysis of the complete genome sequence
MA Kaminski, EM Furmanczyk, A Sobczak, A Dziembowski, L Lipinski
Systematic and applied microbiology 41 (1), 13-22, 2018
Pseudomonas laurylsulfatovorans sp. nov., sodium dodecyl sulfate degrading bacteria, isolated from the peaty soil of a wastewater treatment plant
EM Furmanczyk, MA Kaminski, L Lipinski, A Dziembowski, A Sobczak
Systematic and applied microbiology 41 (4), 348-354, 2018
Genomic Analysis of γ-Hexachlorocyclohexane-Degrading Sphingopyxis lindanitolerans WS5A3p Strain in the Context of the Pangenome of Sphingopyxis
MA Kaminski, A Sobczak, A Dziembowski, L Lipinski
Genes 10 (9), 688, 2019
Sphingopyxis lindanitolerans sp. nov. strain WS5A3pT enriched from a pesticide disposal site
MA Kaminski, A Sobczak, G Spolnik, W Danikiewicz, A Dziembowski, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 68 (12 …, 2018
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Pseudomonas umsongensis DSM 16611
EM Furmanczyk, MA Kaminski, A Dziembowski, L Lipinski, A Sobczak
Genome Announcements 5 (39), 10.1128/genomea. 01038-17, 2017
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Sphingopyxis witflariensis DSM 14551
MA Kaminski, EM Furmanczyk, A Dziembowski, A Sobczak, L Lipinski
Genome Announcements 5 (36), 10.1128/genomea. 00924-17, 2017
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Sphingopyxis bauzanensis DSM 22271
MA Kaminski, EM Furmanczyk, A Dziembowski, A Sobczak, L Lipinski
Genome Announcements 5 (37), 10.1128/genomea. 01014-17, 2017
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Pseudomonas jessenii DSM 17150
EM Furmanczyk, MA Kaminski, A Dziembowski, L Lipinski, A Sobczak
Genome Announcements 5 (39), 10.1128/genomea. 01035-17, 2017
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Sphingopyxis witflariensis DSM 14551. Genome Announc 5: e00924-17
MA Kaminski, EM Furmanczyk, A Dziembowski, A Sobczak, L Lipinski
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Pseudomonas jessenii DSM 17150. Genome Announc 5: e01035-17
EM Furmanczyk, MA Kaminski, A Dziembowski, L Lipinski, A Sobczak
Draft genome sequence of the type strain Sphingopyxis bauzanensis DSM 22271. Genome Announc 5: e01014-17
MA Kaminski, EM Furmanczyk, A Dziembowski, A Sobczak, L Lipinski
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