Michaël Parmentier
Michaël Parmentier
HEC Liège — Management School, University of Liège
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The dark side of office designs: towards de‐humanization
L Taskin, M Parmentier, F Stinglhamber
New Technology, Work and Employment 34 (3), 262-284, 2019
Examining the impact of emotional intelligence on career adaptability: A two-wave cross-lagged study
M Parmentier, T Pirsoul, F Nils
Personality and Individual Differences 151, 109446, 2019
Career adaptability profiles and their relations with emotional and decision-making correlates among Belgian undergraduate students
M Parmentier, T Pirsoul, F Nils
Journal of Career Development 49 (4), 934-950, 2022
How Do Spelling, Handwriting Speed, and Handwriting Quality Develop During Primary School? Cross-Classified Growth Curve Analysis of Children's Writing Development
C Gosse, M Parmentier, M Van Reybroeck
Frontiers in Psychology, 2927, 2021
L’insertion professionnelle des enseignants au travers des multiples aspects de la socialisation au travail: l’ISaTE, un instrument de mesure pour les appréhender
T Coppe, I Raemdonck, V März, M Parmentier, Q Brouhier, S Colognesi
Mesure et évaluation en éducation 43 (3), 67-102, 2020
Anticipatory emotions at the prospect of the transition to higher education: A latent transition analysis
M Parmentier, F Dangoisse, H Zacher, T Pirsoul, F Nils
Journal of Vocational Behavior 125, 103543, 2021
Emotional intelligence and career-related outcomes: A meta-analysis
T Pirsoul, M Parmentier, L Sovet, F Nils
Human Resource Management Review 33 (3), 100967, 2023
Fair enough?! Investigating the specific challenges of diverse university first-year students
M De Clercq, M Parmentier, F Van Meenen
Research Papers in Education 39 (1), 1-21, 2024
The emotions aroused by a vocational transition in adolescents: why, when and how are they socially shared with significant others?
E Vignoli, F Nils, M Parmentier, P Mallet, B Rimé
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-23, 2020
Involuntary career changes: A lonesome social experience
J Masdonati, CÉ Frésard, M Parmentier
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
One step beyond emotional intelligence measurement in the career development of adult learners: A bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling framework
T Pirsoul, M Parmentier, F Nils
Current Psychology 42 (7), 5834-5850, 2023
Emotional intelligence profiles and job search correlates in the context of the school-to-work transition
T Pirsoul, M Parmentier, F Nils
Journal of Career Development 50 (5), 1038-1057, 2023
The rocky road to emotion measurement in learning and career development: On the use of self-reports
T Pirsoul, M Parmentier, F Nils
Proceedings of the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning …, 2019
Emotional anticipation of the school‐to‐work transition: A multigroup latent profile analysis
M Parmentier, T Pirsoul, P Bouchat, F Nils
The Career Development Quarterly 70 (4), 284-299, 2022
Emotional anticipation of future vocational transitions: a person-centered approach
M Parmentier
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2021
Beyond traditional narratives about teacher professional development: A critical perspective on teachers' working life
T Coppe, M Parmentier, G Kelchtermans, I Raemdonck, V März, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 139, 104436, 2024
Déshumanisation au travail dans un contexte de développement de l'open-space, du hot-desking et du télétravail
M Parmentier, C Donis, L Taskin, F Stinglhamber
Emotional anticipation of high school graduation: Similarity of profiles across gender, educational track, and grade
M Parmentier, T Pirsoul, P Bouchat, F Nils
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-24, 2022
Emotional Anticipation at the Prospect of Finding a Job
M Parmentier, T Pirsoul, P Bouchat, F Nils
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2024
Les émotions orientées vers le futur: Un rôle négligé dans la prise de décision et le comportement
M Parmentier
Anticipation psychologique et représentations de l'avenir: Enjeux théoriques …, 2022
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