Mele Benedetto
Mele Benedetto
在 unina.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of balconies on air quality in deep street canyons
F Murena, B Mele
Atmospheric Pollution Research 7 (6), 1004-1012, 2016
Aerodynamic force by Lamb vector integrals in compressible flow
B Mele, R Tognaccini
Physics of Fluids 26 (5), 2014
Performance assessment of a transonic wing–body configuration with riblets installed
B Mele, R Tognaccini, P Catalano
Journal of Aircraft 53 (1), 129-140, 2016
Aircraft lift and drag decomposition in transonic flows
B Mele, M Ostieri, R Tognaccini
Journal of Aircraft 54 (5), 1933-1944, 2017
Vorticity based breakdown of the aerodynamic force in three-dimensional compressible flows
B Mele, M Ostieri, R Tognaccini
AIAA Journal 54 (4), 1198-1208, 2016
Advances in aerodynamic drag extraction by far-field methods
M Lanzetta, B Mele, R Tognaccini
Journal of Aircraft 52 (6), 1873-1886, 2015
Effect of short–time variations of wind velocity on mass transfer rate between street canyons and the atmospheric boundary layer
F Murena, B Mele
Atmospheric Pollution Research 5 (3), 484-490, 2014
Numerical simulation of riblets on airfoils and wings
B Mele, R Tognaccini
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2012
On the implementation of a turbulence model for low Reynolds number flows
P Catalano, B Mele, R Tognaccini
Computers & Fluids 109, 67-71, 2015
Slip length–based boundary condition for modeling drag reduction devices
B Mele, R Tognaccini
AIAA Journal 56 (9), 3478-3490, 2018
Novel strategies to engineering biological tissue in vitro
F Urciuolo, G Imparato, A Guaccio, B Mele, PA Netti
Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine: Methods and Protocols, 223-244, 2012
Performance improvements of a regional aircraft by riblets and natural laminar flow
P Catalano, D de Rosa, B Mele, R Tognaccini, F Moens
Journal of Aircraft 57 (1), 29-40, 2020
Osteogenic differentiation and mineralization in fibre-reinforced tubular scaffolds: theoretical study and experimental evidences
V Guarino, F Urciuolo, MA Alvarez-Perez, B Mele, PA Netti, L Ambrosio
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (74), 2201-2212, 2012
Linear and nonlinear decomposition of aerodynamic force acting on an oscillating plate
M Ostieri, B Mele, R Tognaccini
AIAA Journal 56 (2), 594-608, 2018
Drag bookkeeping on an aircraft with riblets and NLF control
B Mele, L Russo, R Tognaccini
Aerospace Science and Technology 98, 105714, 2020
Assessment of the impact of gaseous ship emissions in ports using physical and numerical models: The case of Naples
D Toscano, M Marro, B Mele, F Murena, P Salizzoni
Building and Environment 196, 107812, 2021
Drag reduction by riblets on a commercial UAV
L Cacciatori, C Brignoli, B Mele, F Gattere, C Monti, M Quadrio
Applied Sciences 12 (10), 5070, 2022
Effects of riblets on the performances of a regional aircraft configuration in NLF conditions
P Catalano, D de Rosa, B Mele, R Tognaccini, F Moens
2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1260, 2018
A numerical methodology for thermo-fluid dynamic modelling of tyre inner chamber: towards real time applications
L Teodosio, G Alferi, A Genovese, F Farroni, B Mele, F Timpone, ...
Meccanica 56, 549-567, 2021
Effect of body shape on riblets performance
B Mele, R Tognaccini, P Catalano, D de Rosa
Physical Review Fluids 5 (12), 124609, 2020
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