Andrea Pereira
Andrea Pereira
Head of Data and Research @ Child Helpline International || Lead Scientist @ minds
在 childhelplineinternational.org 的电子邮件经过验证
The partisan brain: An Identity-based model of political belief
JJ Van Bavel, A Pereira
Trends in cognitive sciences, 2018
Violence against children during COVID-19 Assessing and understanding change in use of helplines
N Petrowski, C Cappa, A Pereira, H Mason, RA Daban
Child Abuse & Neglect, 104757, 2020
The Role of Threat, Emotions, and Prejudice in Promoting Collective Action Against Immigrant Groups
L Shepherd, F Fasoli, A Pereira, NR Branscombe
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2017
Social psychological factors of post-mortem organ donation: a theoretical review of determinants and promotion strategies
JM Falomir-Pichastor, JA Berent, A Pereira
Health Psychology Review 7 (2), 202-247, 2013
The impact of ingroup favoritism on self-esteem: A normative perspective
V Iacoviello, J Berent, NS Frederic, A Pereira
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 71, 31-41, 2017
Why we sometimes punish the innocent: The role of group entitativity in collective punishment
A Pereira, JW van Prooijen
PloS one 13 (5), e0196852, 2018
Collective punishment depends on collective responsibility and political organization of the target group
A Pereira, J Berent, JM Falomir-Pichastor, C Staerklé, F Butera
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 4-17, 2015
Do all lives have the same value? Support for international military interventions as a function of political system and public opinion of target states
JM Falomir-Pichastor, A Pereira, C Staerklé, F Butera
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (3), 347-362, 2012
Democracy as justification for waging war: The role of public support
JM Falomir-Pichastor, C Staerkle, A Pereira, F Butera
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (3), 324-332, 2012
Antismoking norm and smokers' antismoking attitudes: The interplay between personal and group‐based self‐esteem
JM Falomir‐Pichastor, G Mugny, J Berent, A Pereira, D Krasteva
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (3), 192-200, 2013
Global value perceptions: The legitimising functions of western representations of democracy
C Staerklé, JM Falomir‐Pichastor, A Pereira, J Berent, F Butera
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (7), 896-906, 2015
In the name of democracy: The value of democracy explains leniency towards wrongdoings as a function of group political organization
A Pereira, JM Falomir‐Pichastor, J Berent, C Staerklé, F Butera
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (2), 191-203, 2015
Déterminants psychosociaux de l'efficacité des campagnes de promotion du don d'organes
JM Falomir Pichastor, J Berent, A Pereira
Genève Schulthess Médias Juridiques, 2010
Collective apologies moderate the effects of justice concerns on support for collective punishment.
J Berent, A Pereira, JM Falomir-Pichastor
Social Psychology 48 (4), 194, 2017
Democracy as a value: support for collective punishment as a function of group political organization
A Pereira
University of Geneva, 2012
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