Bruno Brandão Fischer
Bruno Brandão Fischer
其他姓名Bruno Fischer
Associate Professor - University of Campinas, School of Applied Sciences
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Quality comes first: university-industry collaboration as a source of academic entrepreneurship in a developing country
BB Fischer, PR Schaeffer, NS Vonortas, S Queiroz
The Journal of Technology Transfer 43, 263-284, 2018
Evolution of university-industry collaboration in Brazil from a technology upgrading perspective
BB Fischer, PR Schaeffer, NS Vonortas
Technological forecasting and social change 145, 330-340, 2019
Beyond education: The role of research universities in innovation ecosystems
PR Schaeffer, B Fischer, S Queiroz
Форсайт 12 (2 (eng)), 50-61, 2018
Knowledge transfer for frugal innovation: where do entrepreneurial universities stand?
B Fischer, M Guerrero, J Guimón, PR Schaeffer
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (2), 360-379, 2021
Universities' institutional settings and academic entrepreneurship: Notes from a developing country
BB Fischer, GHSM de Moraes, PR Schaeffer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 147, 243-252, 2019
On the location of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in developing countries: lessons from São Paulo, Brazil
BB Fischer, S Queiroz, NS Vonortas
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 30 (5-6), 612-638, 2018
Determinants of student entrepreneurship: An assessment on higher education institutions in Brazil
AC Alves, B Fischer, PR Schaeffer, S Queiroz
Innovation & Management Review 16 (2), 96-117, 2019
Mutualism in ecosystems of innovation and entrepreneurship: A bidirectional perspective on universities’ linkages
PR Schaeffer, M Guerrero, BB Fischer
Journal of Business Research 134, 184-197, 2021
Configurations of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial ecosystems
AC Alves, B Fischer, NS Vonortas, SRRDE QUEIROZ
Revista de Administração de Empresas 59 (4), 242-257, 2019
Spatial features of entrepreneurial ecosystems
B Fischer, D Meissner, N Vonortas, M Guerrero
Journal of Business Research 147, 27-36, 2022
University ecosystems and the commitment of faculty members to support entrepreneurial activity
GHSM Moraes, BB Fischer, ML Campos, PR Schaeffer
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 17 (2), e190013, 2020
Becoming an academic entrepreneur: how scientists develop an entrepreneurial identity
CS Hayter, B Fischer, E Rasmussen
Small Business Economics, 1-19, 2021
The role of university environment in promoting entrepreneurial behavior: evidence from heterogeneous regions in Brazil
AKL Rocha, GHSM Moraes, B Fischer
Innovation & Management Review 19 (1), 39-61, 2022
Performance drivers in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms: a multidimensional perspective
B Fischer, S Salles-Filho, C Zeitoum, F Colugnati
Journal of Knowledge Management 26 (5), 1342-1367, 2022
Country-level efficiency and the index of dynamic entrepreneurship: Contributions from an efficiency approach
EA Dionisio, EI Júnior, BB Fischer
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120406, 2021
Ecosystems of entrepreneurship: Configurations and critical dimensions
A Cherubini Alves, BB Fischer, NS Vonortas
The Annals of Regional Science 67, 73-106, 2021
The global entrepreneurship index as a benchmarking tool? Criticisms from an efficiency perspective
E Inacio Junior, EA Dionisio, BB Fischer, Y Li, D Meissner
Journal of Intellectual Capital 22 (1), 190-212, 2021
An inquiry into the linkages between university ecosystem and students’ entrepreneurial intention and self-efficacy
GHSM Moraes, BB Fischer, M Guerrero, AKL Rocha, PR Schaeffer
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 60 (1), 134-145, 2023
Internationalization and technology in MERCOSUR
I Álvarez, B Fischer, JM Natera
Relação Entre Estratégias de Entrada em Mercados Estrangeiros e Performance Exportadora Resultante em Empresas Brasileiras
BB Fischer
FACEF Pesquisa-Desenvolvimento e Gestão 9 (3), 2010
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