Modeling the roles of craft production in ancient political economies EM Schortman, PA Urban Journal of Archaeological Research 12, 185-226, 2004 | 211 | 2004 |
Modeling interregional interaction in prehistory EM Schortman, PA Urban Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, 37-95, 1987 | 187 | 1987 |
Women's work: images of production and reproduction in pre-Hispanic southern Central America [and Comments and Reply] RA Joyce, W Davis, AB Kehoe, EM Schortman, P Urban, E Bell Current Anthropology 34 (3), 255-274, 1993 | 186 | 1993 |
Resources, power, and interregional interaction EM Schortman, PA Urban Springer Science & Business Media, 1992 | 163 | 1992 |
Playing with power: ballcourts and political ritual in southern mesoamerica [and comments and reply] JG Fox, W Ashmore, JH Blitz, SD Gillespie, SD Houston, TJJ Leyenaar, ... Current Anthropology 37 (3), 483-509, 1996 | 144 | 1996 |
Living on the edge: Core/periphery relations in ancient southeastern Mesoamerica EM Schortman, PA Urban Current anthropology 35 (4), 401-430, 1994 | 142 | 1994 |
Politics with style: Identity formation in prehispanic southeastern Mesoamerica EM Schortman, PA Urban, M Ausec American Anthropologist 103 (2), 312-330, 2001 | 130 | 2001 |
Culture contact structure and process EM Schortman, PA Urban Studies in culture contact: interaction, culture change, and archaeology …, 1998 | 88 | 1998 |
Studies in Culture Contact: Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology K Deagan, PM Rice, RL Schuyler, AF Ramenofsky, EM Schortman, ... SIU Press, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
The Southeast Maya Periphery PA Urban, EM Schortman University of Texas Press, 1986 | 42 | 1986 |
Interregional Interaction in the SE Maya Periphery: The Santa Barbara Archaeological Project 1983–1984 Seasons E Schortman, P Urban, W Ashmore, J Benyo Journal of Field Archaeology 13 (3), 259-272, 1986 | 40 | 1986 |
Archaeological Investigations in the Valle de Naco, Northwestern Honduras: A Preliminary Report JS Henderson, I Sterns, A Wonderley, PA Urban Journal of Field Archaeology 6 (2), 169-192, 1979 | 40 | 1979 |
Archaeological theory in practice PA Urban Routledge, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Power, memory, and prehistory: constructing and erasing political landscapes in the Naco Valley, northwestern Honduras E Schortman, P Urban American Anthropologist 113 (1), 5-21, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
The place of interaction studies in archaeological thought EM Schortman, PA Urban Resources, power, and interregional interaction, 3-15, 1992 | 37 | 1992 |
Networks of power: political relations in the Late Postclassic Naco Valley E Schortman, P Urban University Press of Colorado, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory EM Schortman, PA Urban, MB Schiffer Academic, 1987 | 36 | 1987 |
Precolumbian settlement in the Naco valley, northwestern Honduras PA Urban The southeast Maya periphery, 275-295, 1986 | 36* | 1986 |
Opportunities for advancement: Intra-community power contests in the midst of political decentralization in Terminal Classic Southeastern Mesoamerica P Urban, E Schortman Latin American Antiquity 15 (3), 251-272, 2004 | 34 | 2004 |
Power without bounds? Middle Preclassic political developments in the Naco Valley, Honduras P Urban, E Schortman, M Ausec Latin American Antiquity 13 (2), 131-152, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |