Eleições e caciquismo no Portugal oitocentista (1868-1890) PT Almeida (No Title), 1991 | 202 | 1991 |
A high-fault-coverage approach for the test of data, control and handshake interconnects in mesh networks-on-chip E Cota, FL Kastensmidt, M Cassel, M Hervé, P Almeida, P Meirelles, ... IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (9), 1202-1215, 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
Portuguese ministers, 1851–1999: Social background and paths to power P Tavares de Almeida, A Costa Pinto South European Society and Politics 7 (2), 5-40, 2002 | 89 | 2002 |
Who Governs Southern Europe? Regime Change and Ministerial Recruitment, 1850-2000 P. Tavares de Almeida, A. Costa Pinto, N. Bermeo 2nd ed., London, N. York, Routledge, 2012 | 85* | 2012 |
Technocratic ministers and political leadership in European democracies AC Pinto, M Cotta, PT de Almeida Springer, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Portugal: the primacy of 'independents' A. Costa Pinto, Pedro Tavares de Almeida The Selection of Ministers in Europe, 147-58, 2008 | 61* | 2008 |
Caciquismo e poder político. Reflexões em torno das eleições de 1901 JM Sobral, PGT de Almeida Análise Social 18 (72/74), 649-671, 1982 | 58 | 1982 |
Dicionário biográfico parlamentar, 1834-1910 MF Mónica Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
A Construção do Estado Liberal. Elite Política e Burocracia na" Regeneração"(1851-1890) PT de Almeida PQDT-Global, 1995 | 51 | 1995 |
Legislação eleitoral portuguesa: 1820-1926 PT de Almeida Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1998 | 45 | 1998 |
Improving yield of torus NoCs through fault-diagnosis-and-repair of interconnect faults C Concatto, P Almeida, F Kastensmidt, E Cota, M Lubaszewski, M Herve 2009 15th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, 61-66, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Quem governa a Europa do Sul?: o recrutamento ministerial, 1850-2000 P Tavares de Almeida, AC Pinto, N Bermao 2ª ed., Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2012 | 41* | 2012 |
Quem governa a Europa do Sul?: o recrutamento ministerial, 1850-2000 P. Tavares de Almeida, AC Pinto, N Bermeo 1ª ed, Lisboa, ICS, 2006 | 41* | 2006 |
From Servants of the State to Elected Representatives: Public Sector Background among Members of Parliament Maurizio Cotta, Pedro Tavares de Almeida Democratic Representation in Europe, 51-76, 2007 | 40* | 2007 |
Comportamentos eleitorais em Lisboa (1878-1910) PT de Almeida Análise Social, 111-153, 1985 | 40 | 1985 |
Concurrent test of network-on-chip interconnects and routers M Hervé, P Almeida, FL Kastensmidt, É Cota, M Lubaszewski 2010 11th Latin American Test Workshop, 1-6, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |
Functional test of mesh-based nocs with deterministic routing: Integrating the test of interconnects and routers MB Hervé, M Moraes, P Almeida, M Lubaszewski, FL Kastensmidt, É Cota Journal of Electronic Testing 27 (5), 635-646, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Two overwhelming victories of the left: The 2004 European election and the 2005 legislative election in Portugal PT Almeida, A Freire South European Society & Politics 10 (3), 451-64, 2005 | 30* | 2005 |
On liberalism and the emergence of civil society in Portugal AC Pinto, PT de Almeida Civil Society Before Democracy. Lessons from Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1-21, 2000 | 27 | 2000 |
The primacy of experts? Non-partisan ministers in Portuguese democracy A Costa Pinto, P Tavares de Almeida Technocratic ministers and political leadership in European democracies, 111-137, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |