Marte Mangset
Marte Mangset
Associate professor of sociology, Uni. of Oslo & Director, Centre universitaire de Norvège à Paris
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Promoting diversity but striving for excellence: Opening the ‘Black Box’of academic hiring
J Orupabo, M Mangset
Sociology 56 (2), 316-332, 2022
Bureaucratic power in note‐writing: authoritative expertise within the state
M Mangset, K Asdal
The British journal of sociology 70 (2), 569-588, 2019
Er forestillingen om det egalitære Norge resultatet av en målefeil?–Om falske og ekte motsetninger mellom sosiologiske analyser av klasse og kultur
G Andersen, M Mangset
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 53 (2), 158-188, 2012
The discipline of historians: a comparative study of historians' constructions of the discipline of history in English, French and Norwegian universities
M Mangset
Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2009
What Does it Mean to be Part of the Elite?: Comparing Norwegian, French and British Top Bureaucrats’ Understandings of the Elite Concept when Applied to Themselves
M Mangset
Comparative Sociology 14 (2), 274-299, 2015
Elite circulation and the convertibility of knowledge: Comparing different types and forms of knowledge and degrees of elite circulation in Europe
M Mangset
Journal of Education and Work 30 (2), 129-144, 2017
Attraktive akademiske karrierer? Søkning, rekruttering og mobilitet i UH-sektoren
N Frølich, RB Reiling, H Gunnes, M Mangset, J Orupabo, MES Ulvestad, ...
Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU, 2019
The populist elite paradox: Using elite theory to elucidate the shapes and stakes of populist elite critiques
M Mangset, F Engelstad, M Teigen, T Gulbrandsen
Elites and people: Challenges to democracy 34, 203-222, 2019
Knowledge, skills and dispositions: The socialisation and ‘training’of elites
M Mangset, C Maxwell, A van Zanten
Journal of Education and Work 30 (2), 123-128, 2017
Contextually bound authoritative knowledge: A comparative study of British, French and Norwegian administrative elites' merit and skills
M Mangset
World Yearbook of Education 2015, 201-216, 2015
Ytringsfrihet i en ny offentlighet: Grensene for debatt og rommet for kunnskap
M Mangset, AH Midtbøen, K Thorbjørnsrud
Universitetsforlaget, 2022
Are British educational concerns different from European educational concerns? A study of recent developments in two British graduate schools in history and of how they relate …
M Mangset
The Bologna Process and the shaping of the future of knowledge societies …, 2005
Parental leave vs. competition for clients: Motherhood penalty in competitive work environments
S Halrynjo, M Mangset
JFR-Journal of Family Research 34 (3), 932-957, 2022
CORE næringslivsstudie–kjønnsbalanse på toppen i næringslivet: Hindringer og muligheter
S Halrynjo, RH Kitterød, M Mangset, ØS Skorge
Rapport–Institutt for samfunnsforskning, 2022
Avhengig av forskning: De norske forskningsrådenes historie
T Brandt, M Ingulstad, E Larsen, M Mangset, V Schwach
Fagbokforlaget, 2019
Social encounters and the worlds beyond: Putting situationalism to work for qualitative interviews
A Vassenden, M Mangset
Sociological Methods & Research 53 (2), 1002-1032, 2024
Blir studentene bedre mennesker i utlandet?
M Mangset
Nytt norsk tidsskrift 27 (1-2), 105-114, 2010
Likhet på fransk og norsk
M Mangset
Nytt norsk tidsskrift 21 (2), 135-148, 2004
Ytringsfrihet i Norge: debattens grenser og rommet for kunnskap. I M. Mangset, AH Midtbøen, & K. Thorbjørnsrud
M Mangset
Ytringsfrihet i en ny offentlighet, 2022
Elites and people: Challenges to democracy
F Engelstad, T Gulbrandsen, M Mangset, M Teigen
Elites and People: Challenges to Democracy, 1-13, 2019
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