Javier Alfonso Cardenas Gutierrez
Javier Alfonso Cardenas Gutierrez
Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander-Cucucta
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Effects of crossbreeding Mexican Pelibuey sheep with Rambouillet and Suffolk on carcass traits
J Gutiérrez, MS Rubio, RD Méndez
Meat science 70 (1), 1-5, 2005
Exergy, economic, and life-cycle assessment of ORC system for waste heat recovery in a natural gas internal combustion engine
G Valencia Ochoa, J Cárdenas Gutierrez, J Duarte Forero
Resources 9 (1), 2, 2020
Crítica a las propiedades psicométricas de una escala de medición de factores de riesgo psicosocial propuesta en la NOM 035 de la STPS en México
JF Uribe Prado, JC Gutiérrez Amador, JA Amézquita Pino
Contaduría y administración 65 (1), 2020
Manual de neonatología
J Gutiérrez, E Angulo, H García, E García, H Padilla, D Pérez, ...
México: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2019
Composition and sensory evaluation of lamb carcasses used for the traditional Mexican lamb dish,“barbacoa”
MS Rubio, N Torres, J Gutiérrez, RD Méndez
Meat science 67 (2), 359-364, 2004
Regenerative organic rankine cycle as bottoming cycle of an industrial gas engine: traditional and advanced exergetic analysis
JC Gutierrez, G Valencia Ochoa, J Duarte-Forero
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4411, 2020
A comparative study of the energy, exergetic and thermo-economic performance of a novelty combined Brayton S-CO2-ORC configurations as bottoming cycles
JC Gutierrez, GV Ochoa, J Duarte-Forero
Heliyon 6 (7), 2020
Resistance to compression of conventional concrete alleviated through partial substitution of coarse aggregate for expanded polystyrene
OH Figueroa, JAC Gutiérrez, O Gallardo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1126 (1), 012040, 2018
Determination of the quality of coarse aggregates for the elaboration of concrete mixes from 3 water sources in the City of Cucuta-Colombia
OH Figueroa, JAC Gutiérrez, JPR Suarez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1126 (1), 012041, 2018
Verification of compression resistance between a conventional concrete and its addition of 5, 10 and 15% in volume of fly ash replacing fine aggregate
OH Figueroa, JAC Gutiérrez, GP Botia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1126 (1), 012037, 2018
Valoración económica del servicio ambiental hídrico en las subcuencas Molino Norte y San Francisco, y propuesta para su incorporación en la tarifa hídrica, Matagalpa, Nicaragua
J Gutiérrez
Tesis Mag. Sc. Turrialba, Costa Rica, CATIE, 2002
El tiempo en los Andes del norte de Ecuador y sur de Colombia: un análisis de la cronología a la luz de nuevos datos
RL PÉREZ, LA Gómez, J Gutiérrez
Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 12 (1), 61-83, 2007
Implementation of hospital waste replacing stony aggregates in non-structural concrete mixes of low resistance
O Hurtado-Figueroa, JP Rojas Suárez, JA Cárdenas-Gutiérrez
Contemporary Engineering Sciences 11 (100 (2018)), 4985-4993, 2018
Substitution of natural stony material aggregates in conventional 17.5 mpa non-structural concrete mixtures by means of percentage addition of hospital solid waste
O Hurtado-Figueroa, JA Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, CH Acevedo Peñaloza
Contemporary Engineering Sciences 11 (100 (2018)), 4995-5004, 2018
Poder calorífico de la cascarilla de arroz usada como combustible en hornos de secado
SA Ramón Ramón, JA Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, JP Rojas Suárez
Mundo Fesc 8 (16 (2018)), 63-67, 2018
Valoración de ingenieros, estudio de egresados: estimación relevante para un proceso de acreditación
A Cabrera, J Gutiérrez
Revista ANFEI digital 2 (4), 2016
Parametric analysis CFD of the hydraulic performance of a centrifugal pump with applications to the dredging industry
JA Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, G Valencia Ochoa, J Duarte Forero
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 13 (3 (2020)), 8-14, 2020
Living macromolluscs from a paleo-reef region on the northeastern Venezuelan continental shelf
J Buitrago, J Capelo, J Gutiérrez, M Rada, R Hernández, S Grune
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66 (3-4), 634-642, 2006
Costos y Presupuetos en la Industria de la Construcción
J Cárdenas-Gutiérrez, L Molina-Salazar, CT Medrano Lindarte
Eco Ediciones, 2020
Breast phantom for mammary tissue characterization by near infrared spectroscopy
DA Miranda, KL Cristiano, JC Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 466 (1), 012018, 2013
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