David Elbert
Heterogeneous reduction of uranyl by micas: Crystal chemical and solution controls
ES Ilton, A Haiduc, CO Moses, SM Heald, DC Elbert, DR Veblen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (11), 2417-2435, 2004
Comprehensive characterization of skeletal tissue growth anomalies of the finger coral Porites compressa
IJ Domart-Coulon, N Traylor-Knowles, E Peters, D Elbert, CA Downs, ...
Coral Reefs 25, 531-543, 2006
Aragonite crystallization in primary cell cultures of multicellular isolates from a hard coral, Pocillopora damicornis
IJ Domart-Coulon, DC Elbert, EP Scully, PS Calimlim, GK Ostrander
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (21), 11885-11890, 2001
Newly recognized hosts for uranium in the Hanford Site vadose zone
JE Stubbs, LA Veblen, DC Elbert, JM Zachara, JA Davis, DR Veblen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (6), 1563-1576, 2009
FIB/TEM characterization of the composition and structure of core/shell Cu− Ni nanowires
Z Liu, D Elbert, CL Chien, PC Searson
Nano letters 8 (8), 2166-2170, 2008
Reduction of uranyl in the interlayer region of low iron micas under anoxic and aerobic conditions
ES Ilton, SM Heald, SC Smith, D Elbert, C Liu
Environmental science & technology 40 (16), 5003-5009, 2006
Electron microbeam investigation of uranium-contaminated soils from Oak Ridge, TN, USA
JE Stubbs, DC Elbert, DR Veblen, C Zhu
Environmental Science & Technology 40 (7), 2108-2113, 2006
The nappe theory in the Connecticut Valley region: Thirty-five years since Jim Thompson's first proposal
P Robinson, PJ Thompson, DC Elbert
American Mineralogist 76 (5-6), 689-712, 1991
Analysis of diffraction contrast as a function of energy loss in energy-filtered transmission electron microscope imaging
KT Moore, JM Howe, DC Elbert
Ultramicroscopy 80 (3), 203-219, 1999
Mineralogy, morphology, and textural relationships in coatings on quartz grains in sediments in a quartz-sand aquifer
S Zhang, DB Kent, DC Elbert, Z Shi, JA Davis, DR Veblen
Journal of contaminant hydrology 124 (1-4), 57-67, 2011
Uranyl phosphate sheet reconstruction during dehydration of metatorbernite [Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O]
JE Stubbs, JE Post, DC Elbert, PJ Heaney, DR Veblen
American Mineralogist 95 (8-9), 1132-1140, 2010
Experimental crystallization of gallium: ultrasonic measurements of elastic anisotropy and implications for the inner core
D Brito, D Elbert, P Olson
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 129 (3-4), 325-346, 2002
Earliest Devonian conodonts from marbles of the Fitch Formation, Bernardston Nappe, north-central Massachusetts
DC Elbert, AG Harris, KE Denkler
American Journal of Science 288 (7), 684-700, 1988
Community action on FAIR data will fuel a revolution in materials research
LC Brinson, LM Bartolo, B Blaiszik, D Elbert, I Foster, A Strachan, ...
MRS bulletin 49 (1), 12-16, 2024
A tilting procedure to enhance compositional contrast and reduce residual diffraction contrast in energy-filtered TEM imaging of planar interfaces
KT Moore, EA Stach, JM Howe, DC Elbert, DR Veblen
Micron 33 (1), 39-51, 2002
Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) of intergrown pyroxenes
KT Moore, DC Elbert, DR Veblen
American Mineralogist 86 (7-8), 814-825, 2001
Incommensurate c-domain superstructures in calcian dolomite from the Latemar buildup, Dolomites, Northern Italy
KA Schubel, DC Elbert, DR Veblen
American Mineralogist 85 (5-6), 858-862, 2000
Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Bernardston Nappe and the Brennan Hill Thrust in the Benardston-Chesterfield Region of the Bronson Hill Anticlinorium
DC Elbert
Recognition and implications of a structurally inverted Monadnock-western Maine stratigraphy directly above the core of the Bernardston nappe: Geological Society of America …
DC Elbert
Hinsdale, New Hampshire: Geological Society of America Abstracts with …, 1986
Mineralogy, petrology and PT evolution of the Orfordville area, west-central New Hampshire and east-central Vermont
FS Spear, D Rumble, P Robinson, DC Elbert
Field Trip Guidebook: Regional Metamorphism and Metamorphic Phase Relations …, 1986
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