Densefusion: 6d object pose estimation by iterative dense fusion C Wang, D Xu, Y Zhu, R Martín-Martín, C Lu, L Fei-Fei, S Savarese IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 3343-3352, 2019 | 1042 | 2019 |
Social-bigat: Multimodal trajectory forecasting using bicycle-gan and graph attention networks V Kosaraju, A Sadeghian, R Martín-Martín, I Reid, SH Rezatofighi, ... Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2019 (NeurIPS), 2019 | 663 | 2019 |
robosuite: A modular simulation framework and benchmark for robot learning Y Zhu, J Wong, A Mandlekar, R Martín-Martín, A Joshi, S Nasiriany, Y Zhu arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.12293, 2020 | 334 | 2020 |
What matters in learning from offline human demonstrations for robot manipulation A Mandlekar, D Xu, J Wong, S Nasiriany, C Wang, R Kulkarni, L Fei-Fei, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.03298, 2021 | 269 | 2021 |
Lessons from the amazon picking challenge: Four aspects of building robotic systems. C Eppner, S Höfer, R Jonschkowski, R Martín-Martín, A Sieverling, V Wall, ... Robotics: science and systems, 4831-4835, 2016 | 249 | 2016 |
Interactive gibson benchmark: A benchmark for interactive navigation in cluttered environments F Xia, WB Shen, C Li, P Kasimbeg, ME Tchapmi, A Toshev, ... IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 713-720, 2020 | 211 | 2020 |
Variable impedance control in end-effector space: An action space for reinforcement learning in contact-rich tasks R Martín-Martín, MA Lee, R Gardner, S Savarese, J Bohg, A Garg IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS …, 2019 | 196 | 2019 |
iGibson 2.0: Object-Centric Simulation for Robot Learning of Everyday Household Tasks C Li, F Xia, R Martín-Martín, M Lingelbach, S Srivastava, B Shen, K Vainio, ... Conference on Robot Learning, 455--465, 2022 | 167 | 2022 |
6-pack: Category-level 6d pose tracker with anchor-based keypoints C Wang, R Martín-Martín, D Xu, J Lv, C Lu, L Fei-Fei, S Savarese, Y Zhu 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10059 …, 2020 | 155 | 2020 |
Ulip: Learning a unified representation of language, images, and point clouds for 3d understanding L Xue, M Gao, C Xing, R Martín-Martín, J Wu, C Xiong, R Xu, JC Niebles, ... Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023 | 148 | 2023 |
iGibson 1.0, a Simulation Environment for Interactive Tasks in Large Realistic Scenes B Shen, F Xia, C Li, R Martín-Martín, L Fan, G Wang, S Buch, C D'Arpino, ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021 | 136 | 2021 |
Open x-embodiment: Robotic learning datasets and rt-x models A Padalkar, A Pooley, A Jain, A Bewley, A Herzog, A Irpan, A Khazatsky, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08864, 2023 | 124 | 2023 |
Mechanical search: Multi-step retrieval of a target object occluded by clutter M Danielczuk, A Kurenkov, A Balakrishna, M Matl, D Wang, ... 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1614-1621, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Jrdb: A dataset and benchmark of egocentric robot visual perception of humans in built environments R Martin-Martin, M Patel, H Rezatofighi, A Shenoi, JY Gwak, E Frankel, ... IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 45 (6), 6748-6765, 2021 | 119* | 2021 |
Behavior: Benchmark for everyday household activities in virtual, interactive, and ecological environments S Srivastava, C Li, M Lingelbach, R Martín-Martín, F Xia, KE Vainio, Z Lian, ... Conference on robot learning, 477-490, 2022 | 117 | 2022 |
Greedy hierarchical variational autoencoders for large-scale video prediction B Wu, S Nair, R Martin-Martin, L Fei-Fei, C Finn Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021 | 114 | 2021 |
ReLMoGen: Leveraging motion generation in reinforcement learning for mobile manipulation F Xia, C Li, R Martín-Martín, O Litany, A Toshev, S Savarese 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021 | 105* | 2021 |
Learning to generalize across long-horizon tasks from human demonstrations A Mandlekar, D Xu, R Martín-Martín, S Savarese, L Fei-Fei Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
Behavior-1k: A benchmark for embodied ai with 1,000 everyday activities and realistic simulation C Li, R Zhang, J Wong, C Gokmen, S Srivastava, R Martín-Martín, C Wang, ... Conference on Robot Learning, 80-93, 2023 | 101 | 2023 |
Maskvit: Masked visual pre-training for video prediction A Gupta, S Tian, Y Zhang, J Wu, R Martín-Martín, L Fei-Fei arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.11894, 2022 | 99 | 2022 |