Erika da Silva Maciel
Erika da Silva Maciel
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Access to health services by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons: systematic literature review
G Alencar Albuquerque, C de Lima Garcia, G da Silva Quirino, MJH Alves, ...
BMC international health and human rights 16, 1-10, 2016
Dispelling the myth that habitual caffeine consumption influences the performance response to acute caffeine supplementation
L de Souza Gonçalves, V de Salles Painelli, G Yamaguchi, LF de Oliveira, ...
Journal of applied physiology, 2017
Placebo in sports nutrition: a proof‐of‐principle study involving caffeine supplementation
B Saunders, LF de Oliveira, RP da Silva, V de Salles Painelli, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 27 (11), 1240-1247, 2017
Consumo alimentar, estado nutricional e nível de atividade física em comunidade universitária brasileira
ES Maciel, JG Sonati, DM Modeneze, JS Vasconcelos, R Vilarta
Revista de Nutrição 25, 707-718, 2012
Body composition and quality of life (QoL) of the elderly offered by the “University Third Age”(UTA) in Brazil
JG Sonati, DM Modeneze, R Vilarta, ES Maciel, EMA Boccaletto, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 52 (1), e31-e35, 2011
Perfil epidemiológico e socioeconômico de idosos ativos: qualidade de vida associada com renda, escolaridade e morbidades
DM Modeneze, É da Silva Maciel, GBV Júnior, JG Sonati, R Vilarta
Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o Envelhecimento 18 (2), 2013
The role of health policy in the burden of breast cancer in Brazil
FWS Figueiredo, TCC Almeida, DT Cardial, ÉS Maciel, FLA Fonseca, ...
BMC women's health 17, 1-6, 2017
The relationship between physical aspects of quality of life and extreme levels of regular physical activity in adults
ES Maciel, R Vilarta, DM Modeneze, JG Sonati, JS Vasconcelos, ...
Cadernos de saude publica 29, 2251-2260, 2013
Análise comparativa da qualidade de vida de adultos e idosos envolvidos com a prática regular de atividade física
JG Sonati, R Vilarta, ÉS Maciel, DM Modeneze, GB Vilela Junior, ...
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia 17, 731-739, 2014
Relationship between the price of fish and its quality attributes: a study within a community at the University of São Paulo, Brazil
EDS Maciel, LK Savay-da-Silva, JS Vasconcelos, JG Sonati, JA Galvão, ...
Food science and technology 33, 451-456, 2013
Application of exploratory factor analysis to assess fish consumption in a university community
ES Maciel, LK Savay-da-Silva, JS Vasconcelos, JA Galvão, JG Sonati, ...
Food Science and Technology 33, 99-106, 2013
Atributos de qualidade do pescado relacionados ao consumo na cidade de Corumbá, MS
E da Silva MACIEL, LK Savay-da-Silva, M OETTERER, JA Galvão
Boletim do Instituto de Pesca 41 (1), 199-206, 2018
Efeito de um programa de treinamento de força na aptidão física funcional e composição corporal de idosos praticantes de musculação
AIS Fonseca, TC Barbosa, BKR Silva, HS Ribeiro, FRP Quaresma, ...
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício (RBPFEX) 12 (76 …, 2018
Quality of life, health, and sleep of air traffic controllers with different shift systems
J Sonati, M De Martino, R Vilarta, É Maciel, E Moreira, F Sanchez, ...
Aerospace medicine and human performance 86 (10), 895-900, 2015
Body weight as an indicator of fat-free mass in active elderly women
JG Sonati, DM Modeneze, R Vilarta, ÉS Maciel, EMA Boccaletto
Maturitas 68 (4), 378-381, 2011
Correlation between municipal human development index and stroke mortality: a study of Brazilian capitals
DM de Melo Lucena, FW dos Santos Figueiredo, LV de Alcantara Sousa, ...
BMC Research Notes 11, 1-6, 2018
Perspectiva do consumidor perante produto proveniente da cadeia produtiva de tilápia do Nilo rastreada (Oreochromis niloticus) consumo de pescado e qualidade de vida
ÉS Maciel
Universidade de São Paulo, 2011
Factors associated with blood pressure disorders in Afro-descendant children and adolescents
FRP Quaresma, E da Silva Maciel, FW dos Santos Figueiredo, F Adami
BMC pediatrics 19, 1-8, 2019
Sexual diversity and homophobia in health care services: perceptions of homosexual and bisexual population in the cross-cultural theory
GA Albuquerque, G da Silva Quirino, FW dos Santos Figueiredo, ...
Open Journal of Nursing 6 (06), 470, 2016
Quality of life, sleep, and health of air traffic controllers with rapid counterclockwise shift rotation
JG Sonati, MMF De Martino, R Vilarta, É da Silva Maciel, RJF Sonati, ...
Workplace Health & Safety 64 (8), 377-384, 2016
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