sulaf alwassouf
sulaf alwassouf
Syria -Al Baath University
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Isolation, genetic characterization, and seroprevalence of Adana virus, a novel phlebovirus belonging to the Salehabad virus complex, in Turkey
C Alkan, S Alwassouf, G Piorkowski, L Bichaud, S Tezcan, E Dincer, ...
Journal of Virology 89 (8), 4080-4091, 2015
Seroprevalence of Sandfly‐Borne Phleboviruses Belonging to Three Serocomplexes (Sandfly fever Naples, Sandfly fever Sicilian and Salehabad) in Dogs from …
S Alwassouf, V Christodoulou, L Bichaud, P Ntais, A Mazeris, M Antoniou, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10 (10), e0005063, 2016
Virus isolation, genetic characterization and seroprevalence of Toscana virus in Algeria
C Alkan, AB Allal-Ikhlef, S Alwassouf, A Baklouti, G Piorkowski, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 21 (11), 1040. e1-1040. e9, 2015
Neutralization-based seroprevalence of Toscana virus and sandfly fever Sicilian virus in dogs and cats from Portugal
S Alwassouf, C Maia, N Ayhan, M Coimbra, JM Cristovao, H Richet, ...
Journal of General Virology 97 (11), 2816-2823, 2016
Presence of sandfly-borne phleboviruses of two antigenic complexes (Sandfly fever Naples virus and Sandfly fever Sicilian virus) in two different bio-geographical …
S Sakhria, S Alwassouf, W Fares, L Bichaud, K Dachraoui, C Alkan, ...
Parasites & vectors 7, 1-5, 2014
Seroprevalence of Toscana virus in dogs from Corsica, France
M Dahmani, S Alwassouf, S Grech-Angelini, JL Marié, B Davoust, ...
Parasites & Vectors 9, 1-4, 2016
Serological association between Leishmania infantum and sand fly fever Sicilian (but not Toscana) virus in sheltered dogs from southern Portugal
C Maia, S Alwassouf, JM Cristóvão, N Ayhan, A Pereira, RN Charrel, ...
Parasites & vectors 10, 1-7, 2017
Seroprevalence of Toscana virus in dogs from Kabylia (Algeria)
D Tahir, S Alwassouf, A Loudahi, B Davoust, RN Charrel
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 22 (3), e16-e17, 2016
Isolation, full genomic characterization and neutralization-based human seroprevalence of Medjerda Valley virus, a novel sandfly-borne phlebovirus belonging to the Salehabad …
L Bichaud, K Dachraoui, S Alwassouf, C Alkan, M Mensi, G Piorkowski, ...
Journal of General Virology 97 (3), 602-610, 2016
Identification of rickettsial immunoreactive proteins using a proximity ligation assay Western blotting and the traditional immunoproteomic approach
M Kowalczewska, A N’Djatchi, C Nappez, S Alwassouf, P Decloquement, ...
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 58, 17-25, 2018
The Diagnostic Value of Serum Ferritin in Assessing Iron Status in Syrian Hemodialysis Patients
M Hamdan, S Alwassouf
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Assiut 45 (1), 351-357, 2022
Seroepidemiology of emerging sandly-borne phleboviruses: technical optimization and seroprevalence studies in the Mediterranean basin
S Alwassouf
Aix-Marseille, 2015
دراسة الارتباط بين مستويات البروتين المُتفاعل C وفقر الدم عند مرضى الديال الدموي في مدينة حمص-سوريا
طالبة الماجستير, مروة محمد حمدان
مجلة جامعة البعث-سلسلة العلوم الطبية والصحية 44 (2), 2022
انتشار المتلازمة الاستقلابيّة وعلاقتها مع مستويات فيتامين د عند أفراد بالغين في مدينة حمص، سورية
سعدى عقيل الناعم, الدكتورة سلاف الوسوف
مجلة جامعة البعث-سلسلة العلوم الطبية والصحية 43 (21), 2021
اضطرابات الشحوم كعامل خطورة لتطور اعتلال الكلى السكّري عند مرضى النّمط الثّاني من الدّاء السّكري في محافظة حمص السّوريّة
أحلام خالد كمالي
مجلة جامعة البعث-سلسلة العلوم الطبية والصحية 43 (25), 2021
Corrigendum to “Identification of rickettsial immunoreactive proteins using a proximity ligation assay Western blotting and the traditional immunoproteomic approach”[Comp …
M Kowalczewska, A N’djatchi, C Nappez, S Alwassouf, P Decloquement, ...
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 72, 101518, 2020
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