Zhaoqi Gao
Zhaoqi Gao
Professor (Associate), Xi'an Jiaotong University
在 xjtu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Differential evolution algorithm with fitness and diversity ranking-based mutation operator
J Cheng, Z Pan, H Liang, Z Gao, J Gao
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 61, 100816, 2020
Multimutation differential evolution algorithm and its application to seismic inversion
Z Gao, Z Pan, J Gao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (6), 3626-3636, 2016
A new highly efficient differential evolution scheme and its application to waveform inversion
Z Gao, Z Pan, J Gao
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (10), 1702-1706, 2014
Adjoint-driven deep-learning seismic full-waveform inversion
W Zhang, J Gao, Z Gao, H Chen
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (10), 8913-8932, 2020
An Optimized Deep Network Representation of Multimutation Differential Evolution and Its Application in Seismic Inversion
Z Gao, Z Pan, C Zuo, J Gao, Z Xu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019
Optimization-inspired deep learning high-resolution inversion for seismic data
H Chen, J Gao, X Jiang, Z Gao, W Zhang
Geophysics 86 (3), R265-R276, 2021
Large-dimensional Seismic Inversion Using Global Optimization with Autoencoder Based Model Dimensionality Reduction
Z Gao, C Li, N Liu, Z Pan, J Gao, Z Xu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020
Frequency Controllable Envelope Operator and Its Application in Multiscale Full-Waveform Inversion.
Z Gao, Z Pan, J Gao, RS Wu
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 57 (2), 683-699, 2019
Adaptive differential evolution by adjusting subcomponent crossover rate for high-dimensional waveform inversion
Z Pan, J Wu, Z Gao, J Gao
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (6), 1327-1331, 2015
Building an initial model for full waveform inversion using a global optimization scheme
Z Gao*, J Gao, Z Pan, X Zhang
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, 1136-1141, 2014
Enhancing subsurface scatters using reflection-damped plane-wave least-squares reverse time migration
C Li, J Gao, R Wang, Z Gao
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 17 (4), 706-710, 2019
High resolution inversion of seismic wavelet and reflectivity using iterative deep neural networks
D Chen, J Gao, Y Hou, Z Gao
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D043S117R001, 2019
Seismic attenuation estimation using the modified log spectral ratio method
N Liu, B Zhang, J Gao, Z Gao, S Li
Journal of Applied Geophysics 159, 386-394, 2018
2D and 3D amplitude‐preserving elastic reverse time migration based on the vector‐decomposed P‐and S‐wave records
W Zhang, J Gao, Z Gao, Y Shi
Geophysical Prospecting, 2020
A deep-learning-based generalized convolutional model for seismic data and its application in seismic deconvolution
Z Gao, S Hu, C Li, H Chen, X Jiang, Z Pan, J Gao, Z Xu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-17, 2021
Building large-scale density model via a deep learning based data-driven method
Z Gao, C Li, B Zhang, X Jiang, Z Pan, J Gao, Z Xu
Geophysics, 2020
Global optimization with deep-learning-based acceleration surrogate for large-scale seismic acoustic-impedance inversion
Z Gao, W Yang, Y Tian, C Li, X Jiang, J Gao, Z Xu
Geophysics 87 (1), R35-R51, 2022
Correlation-driven direct sampling method for geostatistical simulation and training image evaluation
C Zuo, Z Pan, Z Gao, J Gao
Physical Review E 99 (5), 053310, 2019
Least-squares reverse time migration with sparse regularization in the 2D wavelet domain
F Li, J Gao, Z Gao, X Jiang, W Sun
Geophysics 85 (6), S313-S325, 2020
OMMDE-Net: A Deep Learning-Based Global Optimization Method for Seismic Inversion
Z Gao, C Li, T Yang, Z Pan, J Gao, Z Xu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020
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