Thomas P Lloyd
Thomas P Lloyd
Research student
在 marin.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Marine propeller acoustic modelling: comparing CFD results with an acoustic analogy method
T Lloyd, D Rijpkema, E van Wijngaarden
Fourth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, 2015
Assessing the influence of inflow turbulence on noise and performance of a tidal turbine using large eddy simulations
TP Lloyd, SR Turnock, VF Humphrey
Renewable energy 71, 742-754, 2014
Noise measurements of a cavitating propeller in different facilities: Results of the round robin test programme
G Tani, M Viviani, M Felli, FH Lafeber, T Lloyd, B Aktas, M Atlar, ...
Ocean Engineering 213, 107599, 2020
Acoustic modelling of a propeller subject to non-uniform inflow
AK Lidtke, T Lloyd, G Vaz
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Rome …, 2019
Large eddy simulations of a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers surrounding the drag crisis
TP Lloyd, M James
Applied Ocean Research 59, 676-686, 2016
Computational fluid dynamics prediction of marine propeller cavitation including solution verification
T Lloyd, G Vaz, D Rijpkema, A Reverberi
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Espoo …, 2017
Modelling techniques for underwater noise generated by tidal turbines in shallow waters
TP Lloyd, SR Turnock, VF Humphrey
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44373 …, 2011
Predicting cavitating propeller noise in off-design conditions using scale-resolving CFD simulations
AK Lidtke, T Lloyd, FH Lafeber, J Bosschers
Ocean Engineering 254, 111176, 2022
Improved modelling of sheet cavitation dynamics on Delft Twist11 hydrofoil
G Vaz, T Lloyd, A Gnanasundaram
MARINE VII: proceedings of the VII International Conference on Computational …, 2017
On the accuracy of partially averaged Navier–Stokes resolution estimates
M Klapwijk, T Lloyd, G Vaz
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 80, 108484, 2019
Comparison of uRANS and BEM-BEM for propeller pressure pulse prediction: E779A propeller in a cavitation tunnel
P Perali, T Lloyd, G Vaz
Proceedings of the 19th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Nantes, France, 2016
Evaluation of scale-resolving simulations for a turbulent channel flow
M Klapwijk, T Lloyd, G Vaz, T Van Terwisga
Computers & Fluids 209, 104636, 2020
Round robin test on radiated noise of a cavitating propeller
G Tani, M Viviani, M Felli, FH Lafeber, T Lloyd, B Aktas, M Atlar, H Seol, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors, Rome …, 2019
Using the FW-H equation for hydroacoustics of propellers
TP Lloyd, AK Lidtke, D Rijpkema, E Van Wijngaarden, SR Turnock, ...
Proceedings of the Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS), Marstrand …, 2015
Large eddy simulations of inflow turbulence noise: application to tidal turbines
T Lloyd
University of Southampton, 2013
Concept design of a fast sail assisted feeder container ship
A Burden, T Lloyd, S Mockler, L Mortola, IB Shin, B Smith
University of Southampton, 2010
Study on inventory of existing policy, research and impacts of continuous underwater noise in Europe
E Cruz, T Lloyd, J Bosschers, FH Lafeber, P Vinagre, G Vaz
EMSA report EMSA/NEG/21/2020, 2021
Implementing the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings acoustic analogy into a viscous CFD solver
TP Lloyd, D Rijpkema, E Van Wijngaarden
17th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS), 2014
Unsteady CFD of a marine current turbine using OpenFOAM with generalised grid interface
TP Lloyd, SR Turnock, VF Humphrey
Transition and turbulence modeling for the prediction of cavitating tip vortices
R Liebrand, M Klapwijk, T Lloyd, G Vaz
Journal of Fluids Engineering 143 (1), 011202, 2021
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