Choice without equity: Charter school segregation and the need for civil rights standards E Frankenberg, G Siegel‐Hawley, J Wang, G Orfield | 719 | 2012 |
E pluribus... separation: Deepening double segregation for more students G Orfield, J Kucsera, G Siegel-Hawley | 495 | 2012 |
Brown at 62: School segregation by race, poverty and state G Orfield, J Ee, E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley | 285 | 2016 |
Educational gerrymandering? Race and attendance boundaries in a demographically changing suburb G Siegel-Hawley Harvard Educational Review 83 (4), 580-612, 2013 | 93 | 2013 |
Integrating suburban schools: How to benefit from growing diversity and avoid segregation A Tefera, E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley, G Chirichigno | 85 | 2011 |
Solidifying segregation or promoting diversity? School closure and rezoning in an urban district G Siegel-Hawley, K Bridges, TJ Shields Educational Administration Quarterly 53 (1), 107-141, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Reviving magnet schools: Strengthening a successful choice option G Siegel-Hawley, E Frankenberg | 68 | 2012 |
The forgotten choice? Rethinking magnet schools in a changing landscape E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley, G Orfield | 67 | 2008 |
The disintegration of Memphis-Shelby County, Tennessee: School district secession and local control in the 21st century G Siegel-Hawley, S Diem, E Frankenberg American Educational Research Journal 55 (4), 651-692, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Racial segregation in the southern schools, school districts, and counties where districts have seceded K Taylor, E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley AERA Open 5 (3), 2332858419860152, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
Segregation by district boundary line: The fragmentation of Memphis area schools E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley, S Diem Educational Researcher 46 (8), 449-463, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
When the fences come down: Twenty-first-century lessons from metropolitan school desegregation G Siegel-Hawley UNC Press Books, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
City lines, county lines, color lines: The relationship between school and housing segregation in four southern metro areas G Siegel-Hawley Teachers College Record 115 (6), 1-45, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
School segregation and resegregation in Charlotte and Raleigh, 1989-2010 JB Ayscue, G Siegel-Hawley, J Kucsera, B Woodward Educational Policy 32 (1), 3-54, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Are we segregated and satisfied? Segregation and inequality in southern California schools JV Kucsera, G Siegel-Hawley, G Orfield Urban Education 50 (5), 535-571, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
A segregating choice?: An overview of charter school policy, enrollment trends, and segregation E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley Educational delusions?: Why choice can deepen inequality and how to make …, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Equity overlooked: Charter schools and civil rights policy E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley | 48 | 2009 |
Are teachers prepared for racially changing schools?: Teachers describe their preparation, resources and practices for racially diverse schools E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley University of California, Los Angeles, 2008 | 47 | 2008 |
Sorting out deepening confusion on segregation trends G Orfield, G Siegel-Hawley, J Kucsera The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
The Complementary Benefits of Racial and Socioeconomic Diversity in Schools. Research Brief No. 10. J Ayscue, E Frankenberg, G Siegel-Hawley National Coalition on School Diversity, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |