Explaining emergence: towards an ontology of levels C Emmeche, S Køppe, F Stjernfelt Journal for general philosophy of science 28, 83-117, 1997 | 490 | 1997 |
Levels, emergence, and three versions of downward causation C Emmeche, S Køppe, F Stjernfelt Downward causation. Minds, bodies and matter, 13-34, 2000 | 363 | 2000 |
Examining ecological constraints on the intergenerational transmission of attachment via individual participant data meta‐analysis ML Verhage, RMP Fearon, C Schuengel, MH van IJzendoorn, ... Child development 89 (6), 2023-2037, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Virkelighedens niveauer: De nye videnskaber og deres historie S Køppe Gyldendal A/S, 2018 | 61 | 2018 |
Why do we always generalize in qualitative research? T Roald, S Køppe, T Bechmann Jensen, J Moeskjær Hansen, K Levin Qualitative Psychology 8 (1), 69, 2021 | 53 | 2021 |
A moderate eclecticism: Ontological and epistemological issues S Køppe Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 46 (1), 1-19, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
Generalisering i kvalitative metoder T Roald, S Køppe Psyke & Logos 29 (1), 14-14, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Freuds psykoanalyse OA Olsen, S Køppe Gyldendal, 1981 | 39 | 1981 |
A longitudinal study of coordination in mother–infant vocal interaction from age 4 to 10 months. S Harder, T Lange, GF Hansen, M Væver, S Køppe Developmental psychology 51 (12), 1778, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Cultural differences in infant development during the first year: A study of Danish infants assessed by the Bayley-III and compared to the American norms MT Krogh, MS Væver, S Harder, S Køppe European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (6), 730-736, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Affective incarnations: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s challenge to bodily theories of emotion. T Roald, K Levin, S Køppe Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38 (4), 205, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Psykologiens udvikling og formidling i Danmark i perioden 1850-1980: forskningsrapport S Køppe Gad, 1983 | 29 | 1983 |
Freud's theory of psychoanalysis OA Olsen, S Køppe (No Title), 1988 | 28 | 1988 |
Mutual regulation between infant facial affect and maternal touch in depressed and nondepressed dyads I Egmose, K Cordes, J Smith-Nielsen, MS Væver, S Køppe Infant Behavior and Development 50, 274-283, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Maternal touch in caregiving behavior of mothers with and without postpartum depression K Cordes, I Egmose, J Smith-Nielsen, S Køppe, MS Væver Infant Behavior and Development 49, 182-191, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Neurosis: aspects of its conceptual development in the nineteenth century S KØppe History of Psychiatry 20 (1), 27-46, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Psykoanalysen efter Freud 1-2 O Andkjær Olsen, S Køppe København: Gyldendal, 1996 | 21 | 1996 |
Against epistemological relativism F Gregersen, S Køppe Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (4), 447-487, 1988 | 21 | 1988 |
Videnskab og lidenskab: om humanioras videnskabsteori, videnssociologi, videnskabshistorie og samfundsmæssighed F Gregersen, S Køppe Tiderne skifter, 1985 | 21 | 1985 |
Freuds psykoanalyse O Andkjær Olsen, S Køppe Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1981 | 21 | 1981 |