Nir Becker
Nir Becker
Professor of Economics, Tel-Hai College
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Energy retrofit of residential building envelopes in Israel: A cost-benefit analysis
C Friedman, N Becker, E Erell
Energy 77, 183-193, 2014
Economically viable aquaponics? Identifying the gap between potential and current uncertainties
A Greenfeld, N Becker, J McIlwain, R Fotedar, JF Bornman
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (3), 848-862, 2019
Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus: a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel
N Becker, M Inbar, O Bahat, Y Choresh, G Ben-Noon, O Yaffe
Oryx 39 (4), 429-434, 2005
Willingness to pay, borrow, and work for rural water service improvements in developing countries
A Abramson, N Becker, Y Garb, N Lazarovitch
Water Resources Research 47 (11), 2011
Value of moving from central planning to a market system: lessons from the Israeli water sector
N Becker
Agricultural Economics 12 (1), 11-21, 1995
Economic mechanisms for managing water resources: Pricing, permits, and markets
KW Easter, N Becker, Y Tsur
Water Resources: Environmental Planning, Management and Development, 579-621, 1997
The economic value of old growth trees in Israel
N Becker, S Freeman
Forest Policy and Economics 11 (8), 608-615, 2009
Conflict and cooperation in managing international water resources such as the Great Lakes
N Becker, KW Easter
Land Economics, 233-245, 1999
Reallocating water resources in the Middle East through market mechanisms
N Becker
International Journal of Water Resources Development 12 (1), 17-32, 1996
Desalination and alternative water-shortage mitigation options in Israel: a comparative cost analysis
N Becker, D Lavee, D Katz
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2 (12), 1042, 2010
Ecosystem service tradeoff between grazing intensity and other services-A case study in Karei-Deshe experimental cattle range in northern Israel
I Divinsky, N Becker, P Bar
Ecosystem Services 24, 16-27, 2017
Water diversion from the Great Lakes: is a cooperative approach possible?
N Becker, KW Easter
International Journal of Water Resources Development 13 (1), 53-66, 1997
Once there was a river: a benefit–cost analysis of rehabilitation of the Jordan River
N Becker, J Helgeson, D Katz
Regional Environmental Change 14, 1303-1314, 2014
What really undermines public acceptance of wind turbines? A choice experiment analysis in Israel
E Peri, N Becker, A Tal
Land Use Policy 99, 105113, 2020
Models of water market mechanisms and an illustrative application to the Middle East
N Zeitouni, N Becker, M Shechter
Resource and energy economics 16 (4), 303-319, 1994
Incorporating environmental externalities into the capacity expansion planning: An Israeli case study
N Becker, D Soloveitchik, M Olshansky
Energy conversion and management 52 (7), 2489-2494, 2011
Economic aspects of the rehabilitation of the Hiriya landfill
O Ayalon, N Becker, E Shani
Waste Management 26 (11), 1313-1323, 2006
The benefits and costs of noise reduction
N Becker, D Lavee
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46 (1), 97-111, 2003
The effect and reform of water pricing: The Israeli experience
N Becker, D Lavee
International Journal of Water Resources Development 18 (2), 353-366, 2002
Consumer preferences for aquaponics: A comparative analysis of Australia and Israel
A Greenfeld, N Becker, JF Bornman, MJ Dos Santos, D Angel
Journal of environmental management 257, 109979, 2020
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