Securities regulation: cases and materials JD Cox, RW Hillman, DC Langevoort Wolters Kluwer, 2016 | 575 | 2016 |
The human nature of corporate boards: Law, norms, and the unintended consequences of independence and accountability DC Langevoort Geo. LJ 89, 797, 2000 | 575 | 2000 |
Theories, assumptions, and securities regulation: Market efficiency revisited DC Langevoort University of Pennsylvania Law Review 140 (3), 851-920, 1992 | 537 | 1992 |
Organized illusions: A behavioral theory of why corporations mislead stock market investors (and cause other social harms) DC Langevoort U. Pa. L. Rev. 146, 101, 1997 | 507 | 1997 |
Behavioral theories of judgment and decision making in legal scholarship: A literature review DC Langevoort Vand. L. Rev. 51, 1499, 1998 | 489 | 1998 |
Taming the animal spirits of the stock markets: A behavioral approach to securities regulation DC Langevoort Nw. UL Rev. 97, 135, 2002 | 387 | 2002 |
Selling hope, selling risk: some lessons for law from behavioral economics about stockbrokers and sophisticated customers DC Langevoort Cal L. Rev. 84, 627, 1996 | 366 | 1996 |
Monitoring: The behavorial economics of corporate compliance with law DC Langevoort Colum. Bus. L. Rev., 71, 2002 | 266 | 2002 |
Where Were the Lawyers-a Behavioral Inquiry into Lawyers' Responsibility for Clients' Fraud DC Langevoort Vand. L. Rev. 46, 75, 1993 | 263 | 1993 |
The SEC, retail investors, and the institutionalization of the securities markets DC Langevoort Va. L. Rev. 95, 1025, 2009 | 261 | 2009 |
Insider trading and the fiduciary principle: a post-chiarella restatement DC Langevoort Calif. L. Rev. 70, 1, 1982 | 254 | 1982 |
Capping damages for open-market securities fraud DC Langevoort Ariz. L. Rev. 38, 639, 1996 | 246 | 1996 |
Statutory obsolescence and the judicial process: the revisionist role of the courts in federal banking regulation DC Langevoort Mich. L. Rev. 85, 672, 1986 | 229 | 1986 |
Publicness in contemporary securities regulation after the JOBS Act DC Langevoort, RB Thompson Geo. LJ 101, 337, 2012 | 222 | 2012 |
State Tender-Offer Legislation Interests Effects and Political Competency DC Langevoort Cornell L. Rev. 62, 213, 1976 | 209 | 1976 |
Basic at twenty: rethinking fraud on the market DC Langevoort Wis. L. Rev., 151, 2009 | 198 | 2009 |
Skewing the results: The role of lawyers in transmitting legal rules DC Langevoort, RK Rasmussen S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ 5, 375, 1996 | 198 | 1996 |
Information Technology and the Structure of Securities Regulation DC Langevoort Harv. L. Rev. 98, 747, 1984 | 187 | 1984 |
Rereading Cady, Roberts: The ideology and practice of insider trading regulation DC Langevoort Colum. L. Rev. 99, 1319, 1999 | 181 | 1999 |
Cultures of compliance DC Langevoort Am. Crim. L. Rev. 54, 933, 2017 | 174 | 2017 |