Algorithms for computer algebra KO Geddes, SR Czapor, G Labahn Springer Science & Business Media, 1992 | 1152 | 1992 |
Maple V Programming Guide: For Release 5 MB Monagan, KO Geddes, KM Heal, G Labahn, SM Vorkoetter, JS Devitt, ... Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 337 | 2012 |
A penalty method for American options with jump diffusion processes Y d’Halluin, PA Forsyth, G Labahn Numerische Mathematik 97, 321-352, 2004 | 251 | 2004 |
Numerical methods for controlled Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs in finance PA Forsyth, G Labahn Journal of Computational Finance 11 (2), 1, 2007 | 237 | 2007 |
Maple 10 programming guide MB Monagan, KO Geddes, KM Heal, G Labahn, SM Vorkoetter, ... Maplesoft, Waterloo ON, Canada 6, 2005 | 230 | 2005 |
A uniform approach for the fast computation of matrix-type Padé approximants B Beckermann, G Labahn SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 15 (3), 804-823, 1994 | 230 | 1994 |
Maple introductory programming guide MB Monagan, KO Geddes, KM Heal, G Labahn, SM Vorkoetter, ... Maplesoft, 2005 | 167 | 2005 |
A semi-Lagrangian approach for American Asian options under jump diffusion Y d'Halluin, PA Forsyth, G Labahn SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (1), 315-345, 2005 | 155 | 2005 |
Symbolic-numeric sparse interpolation of multivariate polynomials M Giesbrecht, G Labahn, W Lee Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
Asymptotically fast computation of Hermite normal forms of integer matrices A Storjohann, G Labahn Proceedings of the 1996 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1996 | 128 | 1996 |
A new approach for recognizing handwritten mathematics using relational grammars and fuzzy sets S MacLean, G Labahn International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 16, 139-163, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Maple 9 advanced programming guide G Monagan, L Heal maplesof, 2003 | 106 | 2003 |
Fraction-free computation of matrix rational interpolants and matrix GCDs B Beckermann, G Labahn SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 22 (1), 114-144, 2000 | 101 | 2000 |
Fraction-free row reduction of matrices of Ore polynomials B Beckermann, H Cheng, G Labahn Journal of Symbolic Computation 41 (5), 513-543, 2006 | 97 | 2006 |
When are two numerical polynomials relatively prime? B Beckermann, G Labahn Journal of Symbolic Computation 26 (6), 677-689, 1998 | 83 | 1998 |
Methods for pricing American options under regime switching Y Huang, PA Forsyth, G Labahn SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (5), 2144-2168, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
A uniform approach for Hermite Padé and simultaneous Padé approximants and their matrix-type generalizations B Beckermann, G Labahn Numerical Algorithms 3, 45-54, 1992 | 73 | 1992 |
Grammar-based techniques for creating ground-truthed sketch corpora S MacLean, G Labahn, E Lank, M Marzouk, D Tausky International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 14, 65-74, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Normal forms for general polynomial matrices B Beckermann, G Labahn, G Villard Journal of Symbolic Computation 41 (6), 708-737, 2006 | 65 | 2006 |
A numerical PDE approach for pricing callable bonds Y d'Halluin, PA Forsyth, KR Vetzal, G Labahn Applied Mathematical Finance 8 (1), 49-77, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |