Fomenko invariants for the main integrable cases of the rigid body motion equations AA Oshemkov Adv. Sov. Math 6 (2013), 1991 | 145 | 1991 |
Classification of Morse-Smale flows on two-dimensional manifolds AA Oshemkov, VV Sharko Sbornik: Mathematics 189 (8), 1205, 1998 | 104 | 1998 |
Singularities of integrable Hamiltonian systems AV Bolsinov, AA Oshemkov Topological Methods in the Theory of Integrable Systems, Cambridge …, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Morse functions on two-dimensional surfaces. Encoding of singularities AA Oshemkov Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni VA Steklova 205, 131-140, 1994 | 63 | 1994 |
Bi-Hamiltonian structures and singularities of integrable systems AV Bolsinov, AA Oshemkov Regular and Chaotic dynamics 14, 431-454, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
Классификация гиперболических особенностей ранга нуль интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем АА Ошемков Математический сборник 201 (8), 63-102, 2010 | 34* | 2010 |
Algebra and topology of integrable systems. Research problems AV Bolsinov, AM Izosimov, AY Konyaev, AA Oshemkov Trudy Sem. Vektor. Tenzor. Anal 28, 119-191, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Computation of the Fomenko invariants for the fundamental integrable cases of rigid-body dynamics AA Oshemkov Tr. Semin. Vektorn. Tenzorn. Anal 25, 23-109, 1993 | 29* | 1993 |
The topology of surfaces of constant energy and bifurcation diagrams for integrable cases of the dynamics of a rigid body on so (4) AA Oshemkov Russian Mathematical Surveys 42 (6), 241, 1987 | 28 | 1987 |
Topological analysis of the two-centre problem on the two-dimensional sphere TG Vozmishcheva, AA Oshemkov Sbornik: mathematics 193 (8), 1103, 2002 | 26 | 2002 |
Topological methods in the theory of integrable systems AV Bolsinov, AT Fomenko, AA Oshemkov (No Title), 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
Description of isoenergetic surfaces of integrable Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom AA Oshemkov Trudy Sem. Vektor. Tenzor. Anal 23, 122-132, 1988 | 22 | 1988 |
The topology of Liouville foliation for the Sokolov integrable case on the Lie algebra so (4) G Haghighatdoost, AA Oshemkov Sbornik: Mathematics 200 (6), 899, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
On classification of flows on manifolds. I AV Bolsinov, AA Oshemkov, VV Sharko Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 2 (02), 51-60, 1996 | 17 | 1996 |
Bott integrals of some integrable Hamiltonian systems AA Oshemkov Geometry, Differential Equations, and Mechanics [in Russian], Moscow State …, 1986 | 17 | 1986 |
The integrable case of Adler–van Moerbeke. Discriminant set and bifurcation diagram PE Ryabov, AA Oshemkov, SV Sokolov Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 21, 581-592, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
Saddle singularities of complexity 1 of integrable Hamiltonian systems AA Oshemkov Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 66 (2), 60-69, 2011 | 14* | 2011 |
Topology of isoenergy surfaces and bifurcation diagrams for integrable cases of rigid body dynamics on so (4) AA Oshemkov Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 42, 199-200, 1987 | 13 | 1987 |
Integrable perturbations of saddle singularities of rank 0 of integrable Hamiltonian systems AA Oshemkov, MA Tuzhilin Sbornik: Mathematics 209 (9), 1351, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Bifurcations of integrable mechanical systems with magnetic field on surfaces of revolution EA Kudryavtseva, AA Oshemkov ЧЕБЫШЕВСКИЙ СБОРНИК, 245, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |