Gorka Santamarina-García
Antibiotics in dairy production: where is the problem?
M Virto, G Santamarina-García, G Amores, I Hernández
Dairy 3 (3), 541-564, 2022
Relationship between the dynamics of volatile aroma compounds and microbial succession during the ripening of raw ewe milk-derived Idiazabal cheese
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, I Hernández, L Morán, LJR Barrón, ...
Current Research in Food Science 6, 100425, 2023
R. Barron, Luis Javier eta Virto, Mailo (2023). Relationship between the dynamics of volatile aroma compounds and microbial succession during the ripening of raw ewe milk …
G Santamarina-Garcia, G Amores, I Hernandez, L Moran
Current Research in Food Science 6, 100425, 0
Hernandez, Igor eta Virto, Mailo (2022). Relationship between the Dynamics of Gross Composition, Free Fatty Acids and Biogenic Amines, and Microbial Shifts during the Ripening …
G Santamarina-Garcia, G Amores, E Lopez de Armentia
Animals 12 (22), 3224, 0
Amores, Gustavo eta Virto, Mailo (2022). Characterization of Microbial Shifts during the Production and Ripening of Raw Ewe Milk-Derived Idiazabal Cheese by High-Throughput …
G Santamarina-Garcia, I Hernandez
Biology 11 (5), 769, 0
Characterization of microbial shifts during the production and ripening of raw Ewe milk-derived idiazabal cheese by high-throughput sequencing
G Santamarina-García, I Hernández, G Amores, M Virto
Biology 11 (5), 769, 2022
Relationship between the dynamics of gross composition, free fatty acids and biogenic amines, and microbial shifts during the ripening of raw ewe milk-derived Idiazabal cheese
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, E López de Armentia, I Hernández, ...
Animals 12 (22), 3224, 2022
Cross-sectional, commercial testing, and chromatographic study of the occurrence of antibiotic residues throughout an artisanal raw milk cheese production chain
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, N Gandarias, I Hernández, M Virto
Food Chemistry 442, 138445, 2024
La microbiota del queso y su importancia funcional
G Santamarina-García, JM Fresno, M Virto, G Amores, J Aranceta
Rev Esp Nutr Comunitaria 26 (4), 248-256, 2020
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of antimicrobial resistances reveals the effect of the production chain in reducing resistant lactic acid bacteria in an artisanal raw …
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, D Llamazares, I Hernández, ...
Food Research International 187, 114308, 2024
Shotgun metagenomic sequencing reveals the influence of artisanal dairy environments on the microbiomes, quality, and safety of Idiazabal, a raw ewe milk PDO cheese
G Santamarina-García, M Yap, F Crispie, G Amores, C Lordan, M Virto, ...
Microbiome 12, 262, 2024
Corrigendum to" Cross-sectional, commercial testing, and chromatographic study of the occurrence of antibiotic residues throughout an artisanal raw milk cheese production chain …
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, N Gandarias, I Hernández, M Virto
Food Chemistry, 138888-138888, 2024
Distribution of antimicrobial resistant lactic acid bacteria along the production of a raw ewe milk-derived cheese
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, L Azcona, I Hernández, M Virto
MDPI, 2023
Normal-Fat vs. High-Fat Diets and Olive Oil vs. CLA-Rich Dairy Fat: A Comparative Study of Their Effects on Atherosclerosis in Male Golden Syrian Hamsters
A Berriozabalgoitia, JC Ruiz de Gordoa, G Amores, ...
Metabolites 13 (7), 827, 2023
Intsektuak, etorkizuneko elikadura?
G Santamarina-García, G Amores, M Virto
EKAIA EHUko Zientzia eta Teknologia aldizkaria, 2023
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