Michelle L. Stantial, Ph.D.
Michelle L. Stantial, Ph.D.
Quantitative Ecologist, Four Peaks Environmental Science & Data Solutions
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Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers
N Halimubieke, K Kupán, JO Valdebenito, V Kubelka, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15576, 2020
Estimating flight height and flight speed of breeding Piping Plovers
ML Stantial, JB Cohen
Journal of field ornithology 86 (4), 369-377, 2015
The effect of top predator removal on the distribution of a mesocarnivore and nest survival of an endangered shorebird.
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, SL Farrell, B Maslo
Avian Conservation & Ecology 16 (1), 2021
Migratory shorebird adheres to Bergmann's Rule by responding to environmental conditions through the annual lifecycle
D Gibson, AD Hornsby, MB Brown, JB Cohen, LR Dinan, JD Fraser, ...
Ecography 42 (9), 1482-1493, 2019
Radio transmitters did not affect daily nest and chick survival of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus)
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, KE Iaquinto, PH Loring, PWC Paton
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130 (2), 518-524, 2018
Radio transmitters did not affect apparent survival rates of adult piping plovers (Charadrius melodus)
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, PH Loring, PWC Paton
Waterbirds 42 (2), 205-209, 2019
Substrate-level nest site selection of sympatric Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) and American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in New Jersey, USA
DM Grant, JB Cohen, ML Stantial, RC Linhart
Waterbirds 42 (3), 272-281, 2019
Red fox use of landscapes with nesting shorebirds
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, S Farrell, B Maslo
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (8), 1536-1547, 2020
Flight behavior of breeding Piping Plovers: implications for risk of collision with wind turbines
ML Stantial
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 2014
Miniature GPS tags provide high resolution location data for a small-bodied threatened shorebird
ML Stantial, JB Cohen
Waterbirds 43 (3-4), 271-280, 2020
Qualitative value of information provides a transparent and repeatable method for identifying critical uncertainty
ML Stantial, AJ Lawson, AMV Fournier, PJ Kappes, CS Kross, MC Runge, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (4), e2824, 2023
Application of qualitative value of information to prioritize uncertainties about eastern black rail population recovery
AJ Lawson, K Kalasz, MC Runge, AC Schwarzer, ML Stantial, M Woodrey, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (7), e12732, 2022
Habitat‐specific behavior, growth rate, and survival of Piping Plover chicks in New Jersey, USA
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, S Farrell, B Maslo
Ecosphere 12 (10), e03782, 2021
Spatial and temporal changes in nesting behavior by Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) in New Jersey, USA, from 1976-2019
DJ Tattoni, EA Mordecai, ML Stantial
Waterbirds 43 (3-4), 307-313, 2020
Factors Limiting Abundance and Productivity of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) in New Jersey
ML Stantial
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 2020
Predator exclosures increase nest success but reduce adult survival and increase dispersal distance of Piping Plovers, indicating exclosures should be used with caution
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, B Maslo
Ornithological Applications 126 (1), duad047, 2024
Twenty-four-hour activity patterns of breeding Atlantic Coast Piping Plovers
ML Stantial, JB Cohen
Wader Study 129 (1), 2022
The collective application of shorebird tracking data to conservation
AL Harrison, C Stenzel, A Anderson, J Howell, RB Lanctot, M Aikens, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 30.576574, 2024
Qualitative value of information provides a transparent and repeatable method for identifying critical uncertainty regarding the use of prescribed fire to benefit Black Rails …
M Stantial, A Lawson, A Fournier, P Kappes, C Kross, M Runge, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, SY12A-07, 2021
Effet de l'élimination d'un supraprédateur sur la répartition d'un mésocarnivore et la survie des nids d'un oiseau de rivage en voie de disparition
ML Stantial, JB Cohen, AJ Darrah, SL Farrell, B Maslo
Avian Conservation and Ecology 16 (1), 8, 2021
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