Edson Marciotto
Modeling study of the aspect ratio influence on urban canopy energy fluxes with a modified wall-canyon energy budget scheme
ER Marciotto, AP Oliveira, SR Hanna
Building and Environment 45 (11), 2497-2505, 2010
Urban energy fluxes in built-up downtown areas and variations across the urban area, for use in dispersion models
S Hanna, E Marciotto, R Britter
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 50 (6), 1341-1353, 2011
Star formation history of Canis Major R1-I. Wide-Field X-ray study of the young stellar population
J Gregorio-Hetem, T Montmerle, CV Rodrigues, E Marciotto, T Preibisch, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 506 (2), 711-727, 2009
Implementation of observed sky-view factor in a mesoscale model for sensitivity studies of the urban meteorology
MVB Morais, ED Freitas, ER Marciotto, VV Urbina Guerrero, LD Martins, ...
Sustainability 10 (7), 2183, 2018
Effective albedo estimates for the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo using empirical sky-view factors
MVB de Morais, ER Marciotto, VVU Guerrero, ED de Freitas
Urban Climate 21, 183-194, 2017
Observational study of the surface layer at an ocean-land transition region
LE Medeiros, RO Magnago, G Fisch, ER Marciotto
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 5 (4), 449-458, 2013
Wind tunnel simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer for study of the wind pattern at the Alcântara space center
AC Avelar, F Brasileiro, A Gomes Marto, E Marciotto, G Fisch
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 4 (4), 463-473, 2012
Wind tunnel study of turbulent flow past an urban canyon model
ER Marciotto, G Fisch
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2013
Characterization of surface level wind in the Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara for use in rocket structure loading and dispersion studies
ER Marciotto, G Fisch, LE Medeiros
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 4 (1), 69-79, 2012
Sensitivity of radiative and thermal properties of building material in the Urban atmosphere
MVB Morais, VV Urbina Guerrero, ED Freitas, ER Marciotto, H Valdes, ...
Sustainability 11 (23), 6865, 2019
Investigation of Approaching Ocean Flow and its Interaction with Land Internal Boundary Layer
ER Marciotto, G Fisch
American Journal of Environmental Engineering 3 (1), 18-23, 2013
Variability of energy fluxes in relation to the net-radiation of urban and suburban areas: a case study
ER Marciotto
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2013
Classic Bernoulli’s principle derivation and its working hypotheses
ER Marciotto
Physics Education 51 (4), 045005, 2016
Evolução diurna do balanço de radiação na superfície da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil
MJ Ferreira, AP Oliveira, J Soares, EW Bárbaro, G Codato, FLA Fonseca, ...
Estudo da Influência de um Dossel Urbano sobre o Balanço de Energia na Superfície e Implicações na Estrutura Vertical da Camada Limite Atmosférica
Universidade de São Paulo, 2008
Impact of city verticalization on urban surface energy budget: a modeling study
ER Marciotto
The seventh international conference on urban climate 29, 2009
Comparação entre a radiação solar medida na superfície e estimada por satélite na região metropolitana de São Paulo
ER Marciotto, AP de Oliveira, JF Escobedo
Anais Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Solar-CBENS, 2008
Caracterização da camada limite turbulenta com um túnel de vento atmosférico: resultados preliminares
ER Marciotto, AP Oliveira, G Nader, MT Pereira
Ciência e Natura, 449-452, 2005
Uso do Lidar IPEN no estudo da evolução da camada limite urbana sobre São Paulo para três dias de verão
ER Marciotto, E Landulfo, WM Nakaema, AP de Oliveira, AM Carrilo
V Workshop Brasileiro de Micrometeorologia, 2007
Energetics of Urban Canopies: A Meteorological Perspective
ER Marciotto, MVB de Morais
J 4 (4), 645-663, 2021
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