Statistical mechanics for natural flocks of birds W Bialek, A Cavagna, I Giardina, T Mora, E Silvestri, M Viale, AM Walczak Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (13), 4786-4791, 2012 | 825 | 2012 |
Collective behaviour without collective order in wild swarms of midges A Attanasi, A Cavagna, L Del Castello, I Giardina, S Melillo, L Parisi, ... PLoS computational biology 10 (7), e1003697, 2014 | 261 | 2014 |
Social interactions dominate speed control in poising natural flocks near criticality W Bialek, A Cavagna, I Giardina, T Mora, O Pohl, E Silvestri, M Viale, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), 7212-7217, 2014 | 225 | 2014 |
Finite-size scaling as a way to probe near-criticality in natural swarms A Attanasi, A Cavagna, L Del Castello, I Giardina, S Melillo, L Parisi, ... Physical review letters 113 (23), 238102, 2014 | 203 | 2014 |
Flocking and turning: a new model for self-organized collective motion A Cavagna, L Del Castello, I Giardina, T Grigera, A Jelic, S Melillo, T Mora, ... Journal of Statistical Physics 158, 601-627, 2015 | 170 | 2015 |
Spatially balanced topological interaction grants optimal cohesion in flocking models M Camperi, A Cavagna, I Giardina, G Parisi, E Silvestri Interface focus 2 (6), 715-725, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Greta-a novel global and recursive tracking algorithm in three dimensions A Attanasi, A Cavagna, L Del Castello, I Giardina, A Jelić, S Melillo, ... IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 37 (12), 2451 …, 2015 | 61* | 2015 |
Real world applications using parallel computing techniques in dynamic traffic assignment and shortest path search A Attanasi, E Silvestri, P Meschini, G Gentile 2015 IEEE 18th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Nonsymmetric interactions trigger collective swings in globally ordered systems A Cavagna, I Giardina, A Jelic, S Melillo, L Parisi, E Silvestri, M Viale Physical review letters 118 (13), 138003, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Self-propelled particle models for collective animal behaviour E Silvestri Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2015 | | 2015 |