Gilson Pires Dorneles
Gilson Pires Dorneles
Hospital Moinhos de Vento
在 hmv.org.br 的电子邮件经过验证
High intensity interval exercise decreases IL-8 and enhances the immunomodulatory cytokine interleukin-10 in lean and overweight–obese individuals
GP Dorneles, DO Haddad, VO Fagundes, BK Vargas, A Kloecker, ...
Cytokine 77, 1-9, 2016
Effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on inflammatory, leptin, IgA, and lipid peroxidation responses in obese males
DC de Souza, VAF Matos, VOA Dos Santos, IF Medeiros, CSR Marinho, ...
Frontiers in physiology 9, 567, 2018
Exercise-induced modulation of histone H4 acetylation status and cytokines levels in patients with schizophrenia
C Lavratti, G Dorneles, D Pochmann, A Peres, A Bard, ...
Physiology & behavior 168, 84-90, 2017
New insights about regulatory T cells distribution and function with exercise: the role of immunometabolism
GP Dorneles, AAZ Dos Passos, PRT Romão, A Peres
Current pharmaceutical design 26 (9), 979-990, 2020
The role of glucose homeostasis on immune function in response to exercise: The impact of low or higher energetic conditions
AE Von Ah Morano, GP Dorneles, A Peres, FS Lira
Journal of cellular physiology 235 (4), 3169-3188, 2020
Effects of concurrent training on oxidative stress and insulin resistance in obese individuals
NS Medeiros, FG de Abreu, AS Colato, LS de Lemos, TR Ramis, ...
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2015 (1), 697181, 2015
Increased LPS levels coexist with systemic inflammation and result in monocyte activation in severe COVID-19 patients
PC Teixeira, GP Dorneles, PC Santana Filho, IM da Silva, LL Schipper, ...
International immunopharmacology 100, 108125, 2021
Acute strenuous exercise induces an imbalance on histone H4 acetylation/histone deacetylase 2 and increases the proinflammatory profile of PBMC of obese individuals
GP Dorneles, MCR Boeira, LL Schipper, IRV Silva, VR Elsner, P Dal Lago, ...
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017 (1), 1530230, 2017
Exercise-modulated epigenetic markers and inflammatory response in COPD individuals: A pilot study
IRV da Silva, CLP de Araujo, GP Dorneles, A Peres, AL Bard, G Reinaldo, ...
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 242, 89-95, 2017
Cardiorespiratory fitness modulates the proportions of monocytes and T helper subsets in lean and obese men
GP Dorneles, I da Silva, MC Boeira, D Valentini, SG Fonseca, P Dal Lago, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 29 (11), 1755-1765, 2019
Effects of concurrent training on inflammatory markers and expression of CD4, CD8, and HLA-DR in overweight and obese adults
A Colato, F Abreu, N Medeiros, L Lemos, G Dorneles, T Ramis, P Vianna, ...
Journal of exercise science & fitness 12 (2), 55-61, 2014
Distinct inflammatory profiles in HIV-infected individuals under antiretroviral therapy using cannabis, cocaine or cannabis plus cocaine
FOF de Castro, JM Silva, GP Dorneles, JB de Sousa Barros, CB Ribeiro, ...
Aids 33 (12), 1831-1842, 2019
Effects of intradialytic exercise on systemic cytokine in patients with chronic kidney disease
A Peres, DL Perotto, GP Dorneles, MIS Fuhro, MB Monteiro
Renal failure 37 (9), 1430-1434, 2015
Acute response of peripheral CC r5 chemoreceptor and NK cells in individuals submitted to a single session of low‐intensity strength exercise with blood flow restriction
GP Dorneles, AS Colato, SL Galvão, TR Ramis, JL Ribeiro, PR Romão, ...
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 36 (4), 311-317, 2016
High intensity interval exercise enhances the global HDAC activity in PBMC and anti-inflammatory cytokines of overweight-obese subjects
GP Dorneles, IRV da Silva, A Korb, K Bertoldi, IR Siqueira, VR Elsner, ...
Obesity Medicine 2, 25-30, 2016
Effects of grape juice consumption on oxidative stress and inflammation in male volleyball players: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
NC Martins, GP Dorneles, AS Blembeel, JP Marinho, ICT Proença, ...
Complementary therapies in medicine 54, 102570, 2020
Viral load is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and altered monocyte phenotype in acute severe SARS-CoV-2 infection
PRT Romão, PC Teixeira, L Schipper, I da Silva, P Santana Filho, ...
International immunopharmacology 108, 108697, 2022
Physical fitness modulates the expression of CD39 and CD73 on CD4+ CD25 and CD4+ CD25+ T cells following high intensity interval exercise
GP Dorneles, IM da Silva, A Peres, PRT Romão
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 120 (6), 10726-10736, 2019
Cytokine modulation in response to acute and chronic aquatic therapy intervention in Parkinson disease individuals: a pilot study
D Pochmann, PK Peccin, IRV da Silva, GP Dorneles, A Peres, S Nique, ...
Neuroscience letters 674, 30-35, 2018
Alterations in CD39/CD73 axis of T cells associated with COVID‐19 severity
GP Dorneles, PC Teixeira, IM da Silva, LL Schipper, PC Santana Filho, ...
Journal of Cellular Physiology 237 (8), 3394-3407, 2022
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