Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: The construct of task-induced involvement B Laufer, J Hulstijn Applied linguistics 22 (1), 1-26, 2001 | 2524 | 2001 |
Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production B Laufer, P Nation Applied linguistics 16 (3), 307-322, 1995 | 2409 | 1995 |
The lexical plight in second language reading B Laufer Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy, 20, 1997 | 1719 | 1997 |
The development of passive and active vocabulary in a second language: Same or different? B Laufer Applied linguistics 19 (2), 255-271, 1998 | 1580 | 1998 |
A vocabulary-size test of controlled productive ability B Laufer, P Nation Language testing 16 (1), 33-51, 1999 | 1527 | 1999 |
Some empirical evidence for the involvement load hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition JH Hulstijn, B Laufer Language learning 51 (3), 539-558, 2001 | 1475 | 2001 |
How much lexis is necessary for reading comprehension? B Laufer Vocabulary and applied linguistics, 126-132, 1992 | 1320 | 1992 |
25 What Percentage of Text-Lexis is Essential for Comprehension? B Laufer Special language: From humans thinking to thinking machines, 316, 1989 | 1288 | 1989 |
Lexical threshold revisited: Lexical text coverage, learners’ vocabulary size and reading comprehension B Laufer, GC Ravenhorst-Kalovski University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2010 | 1221 | 2010 |
Testing vocabulary knowledge: Size, strength, and computer adaptiveness B Laufer, Z Goldstein Language learning 54 (3), 399-436, 2004 | 1097 | 2004 |
Form focused instruction in second language vocabulary learning. B Laufer Further insights into non-native vocabulary teaching and learning, eds. Eds …, 2010 | 883* | 2010 |
What's in a word that makes it hard or easy? Intralexical factors affecting vocabulary acquisition B Laufer Vocabulary Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy, 140-155, 1997 | 868* | 1997 |
Vocabulary acquisition in a second language: Do learners really acquire most vocabulary by reading? Some empirical evidence B Laufer Canadian modern language review 59 (4), 567-587, 2003 | 855 | 2003 |
The relationship between passive and active vocabularies: Effects of languagelearning context B Laufer, TS Paribakht Language learning 48 (3), 365-391, 1998 | 842 | 1998 |
Verb‐noun collocations in second language writing: A corpus analysis of learners’ English B Laufer, T Waldman Language learning 61 (2), 647-672, 2011 | 840 | 2011 |
Form-focused instruction in second language vocabulary learning: A case for contrastive analysis and translation B Laufer, N Girsai Applied Linguistics 29 (4), 694-716, 2008 | 781 | 2008 |
Lexical guessing in context in EFL reading comprehension M Bensoussan, B Laufer Journal of research in reading 7 (1), 15-32, 1984 | 688 | 1984 |
Focus on form in second language vocabulary learning B Laufer Eurosla yearbook 5 (1), 223-250, 2005 | 676 | 2005 |
What lexical information do L2 learners select in a CALL dictionary and how does it affect word retention? B Laufer, M Hill Computer Assisted Language Learning: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, 377-402, 2009 | 607* | 2009 |
Size and strength: Do we need both to measure vocabulary knowledge? B Laufer, C Elder, K Hill, P Congdon Language testing 21 (2), 202-226, 2004 | 548 | 2004 |