Claudiu Filip
Claudiu Filip
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies
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Structure of polydopamine: a never-ending story?
J Liebscher, R Mrówczyński, HA Scheidt, C Filip, ND Hădade, R Turcu, ...
Langmuir 29 (33), 10539-10548, 2013
3D TEDOR NMR Experiments for the Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Carbon−Nitrogen Distances in Uniformly 13C,15N-Labeled Solids
CP Jaroniec, C Filip, RG Griffin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (36), 10728-10742, 2002
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of dipolar-coupled multi-spin systems under fast magic angle spinning
C Filip, S Hafner, I Schnell, DE Demco, HW Spiess
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (1), 423-440, 1999
Heteronuclear decoupling under fast MAS by a rotor-synchronized Hahn-echo pulse train
X Filip, C Tripon, C Filip
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 176 (2), 239-243, 2005
Determining relative proton–proton proximities from the build-up of two-dimensional correlation peaks in 1 H double-quantum MAS NMR: insight from multi-spin density-matrix …
JP Bradley, C Tripon, C Filip, SP Brown
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (32), 6941-6952, 2009
Quantifying hydrogen-bonding strength: the measurement of 2h J NN couplings in self-assembled guanosines by solid-state 15 N spin-echo MAS NMR
TN Pham, JM Griffin, S Masiero, S Lena, G Gottarelli, P Hodgkinson, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (26), 3416-3423, 2007
NMR crystallography methods to probe complex hydrogen bonding networks: application to structure elucidation of anhydrous quercetin
X Filip, IG Grosu, M Miclăuş, C Filip
CrystEngComm 15 (20), 4131-4142, 2013
Closer to the polydopamine structure: new insights from a combined 13 C/1 H/2 H solid-state NMR study on deuterated samples
M Cîrcu, C Filip
Polymer Chemistry 9 (24), 3379-3387, 2018
Double-quantum-filtered NMR signals in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
A Wiesmath, C Filip, DE Demco, B Blümich
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 149 (2), 258-263, 2001
Multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning spectroscopy using nonlinear sampling
D Rovnyak, C Filip, B Itin, AS Stern, G Wagner, RG Griffin, JC Hoch
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 161 (1), 43-55, 2003
Low‐load rotor‐synchronised Hahn‐echo pulse train (RS‐HEPT) 1H decoupling in solid‐state NMR: factors affecting MAS spin‐echo dephasing times
JM Griffin, C Tripon, A Samoson, C Filip, SP Brown
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 45 (S1), S198-S208, 2007
NMR of multipolar spin states excitated in strongly inhomogeneous magnetic fields
A Wiesmath, C Filip, DE Demco, B Blümich
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 154 (1), 60-72, 2002
Testing the limits of sensitivity in a solid-state structural investigation by combined X-ray powder diffraction, solid-state NMR, and molecular modelling
X Filip, G Borodi, C Filip
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (40), 17978-17986, 2011
the value of the storage modulus, G', determined for a value Brown, SP
JM Griffin, C Tripon, A Samoson, C Filip
Mag. Res. in Chem 45, S1, 2007
Melanin-like polydopa amides–synthesis and application in functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles
A Petran, R Mrówczyński, C Filip, R Turcu, J Liebscher
Polymer Chemistry 6 (11), 2139-2149, 2015
Solid-state NMR characterization of cross-linking in EPDM/PP blends from 1H–13C polarization transfer dynamics
M Aluas, C Filip
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 27 (3), 165-173, 2005
Analysis of multiple-pulse techniques under fast MAS conditions
C Filip, S Hafner
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 147 (2), 250-260, 2000
Can the conformation of flexible hydroxyl groups be constrained by simple NMR crystallography approaches? The case of the quercetin solid forms
X Filip, C Filip
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 65, 21-28, 2015
Optimizing structure determination from powders of crystalline organic solids with high molecular flexibility: the case of lisinopril dihydrate
M Miclaus, IG Grosu, X Filip, C Tripon, C Filip
CrystEngComm 16 (3), 299-303, 2014
How thick, uniform and smooth are the polydopamine coating layers obtained under different oxidation conditions? An in-depth AFM study
D Bogdan, IG Grosu, C Filip
Applied Surface Science 597, 153680, 2022
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