Teresa Fontúrbel
Teresa Fontúrbel
Centro de Investigación Forestal de Lourizán
在 xunta.gal 的电子邮件经过验证
Testing the ability of visual indicators of soil burn severity to reflect changes in soil chemical and microbial properties in pine forests and shrubland
JA Vega, T Fontúrbel, A Merino, C Fernández, A Ferreiro, E Jiménez
Plant and Soil 369, 73-91, 2013
Throughfall, runoff and soil erosion after prescribed burning in gorse shrubland in Galicia (NW Spain)
JA Vega, C Fernández, T Fonturbel
Land Degradation & Development 16 (1), 37-51, 2005
Effects of an experimental fire and post-fire stabilization treatments on soil microbial communities
MT Fontúrbel, A Barreiro, JA Vega, A Martín, E Jiménez, T Carballas, ...
Geoderma 191, 51-60, 2012
Spot fires: fuel bed flammability and capability of firebrands to ignite fuel beds
A Ganteaume, C Lampin-Maillet, M Guijarro, C Hernando, M Jappiot, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 18 (8), 951-969, 2009
Effectiveness of three post-fire treatments at reducing soil erosion in Galicia (NW Spain)
C Fernández, JA Vega, E Jiménez, T Fonturbel
International Journal of Wildland Fire 20 (1), 104-114, 2011
Effects of wildfire, salvage logging and slash treatments on soil degradation
C Fernández, JA Vega, T Fonturbel, P Pérez‐Gorostiaga, E Jiménez, ...
Land Degradation & Development 18 (6), 591-607, 2007
Streamflow drought time series forecasting: a case study in a small watershed in North West Spain
C Fernández, JA Vega, T Fonturbel, E Jiménez
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 23, 1063-1070, 2009
Predicting fire behaviour in Galician (NW Spain) shrubland fuel complexes
JA Vega, P Cuinas, T Fonturbel, P Perez-Gorostiaga, C Fernandez
Proceedings of 3rd international conference on forest fire research and 14th …, 1998
The influence of fire severity, serotiny, and post-fire management on Pinus pinaster Ait. recruitment in three burnt areas in Galicia (NW Spain)
JA Vega, C Fernández, P Pérez-Gorostiaga, T Fonturbel
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (9), 1596-1603, 2008
Soil erosion after Eucalyptus globulus clearcutting: differences between logging slash disposal treatments
C Fernández, JA Vega, JM Gras, T Fonturbel, P Cuiñas, E Dambrine, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 195 (1-2), 85-95, 2004
Testing the effects of straw mulching and herb seeding on soil erosion after fire in a gorse shrubland
JA Vega, C Fernandez, T Fonturbel, S Gonzalez-Prieto, E Jimenez
Geoderma 223, 79-87, 2014
Effects of wildfire, salvage logging and slash manipulation on Pinus pinaster Ait. recruitment in Orense (NW Spain)
C Fernández, JA Vega, T Fonturbel, E Jiménez, P Pérez-Gorostiaga
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 1294-1304, 2008
Changes in water yield after a sequence of perturbations and forest management practices in an Eucalyptus globulus Labill. watershed in Northern Spain
C Fernández, JA Vega, JM Gras, T Fonturbel
Forest Ecology and Management 234 (1-3), 275-281, 2006
Comparing the effectiveness of seeding and mulching+ seeding in reducing soil erosion after a high severity fire in Galicia (NW Spain)
JA Vega, C Fernández, T Fonturbel
Ecological Engineering 74, 206-212, 2015
Use of thermal analysis and solid-state 13C CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy to diagnose organic matter quality in relation to burn severity in Atlantic soils
A Merino, A Ferreiro, J Salgado, MT Fontúrbel, N Barros, C Fernández, ...
Geoderma 226, 376-386, 2014
Inferring changes in soil organic matter in post-wildfire soil burn severity levels in a temperate climate
A Merino, MT Fonturbel, C Fernández, B Chávez-Vergara, F García-Oliva, ...
Science of the Total Environment 627, 622-632, 2018
Prescribed burning versus mechanical treatments as shrubland management options in NW Spain: Mid-term soil microbial response
MT FonTúrBel, C Fernández, JA VegA
Applied Soil Ecology 107, 334-346, 2016
Variability in the composition of charred litter generated by wildfire in different ecosystems
A Merino, B Chávez-Vergara, J Salgado, MT Fonturbel, F García-Oliva, ...
Catena 133, 52-63, 2015
Acciones urgentes contra la erosión en áreas forestales quemadas
JA Vega, T Fontúrbel, C Fernández, A Arellano, M Díaz-Raviña, ...
Guía para su planificación en Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira, 2013
Acciones urgentes contra la erosión en áreas forestales quemadas: Guía para su planificación en Galicia
JA Vega
Andavira, 2013
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