Adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies in Tanzania BK Kurgat, C Lamanna, A Kimaro, N Namoi, L Manda, TS Rosenstock Frontiers in sustainable food systems 4, 55, 2020 | 133 | 2020 |
Determinants of the competitiveness of smallholder African indigenous vegetable farmers in high-value agro-food chains in Kenya: A multivariate probit regression analysis E Ngenoh, BK Kurgat, HK Bett, SW Kebede, W Bokelmann Agricultural and Food Economics 7, 1-17, 2019 | 105 | 2019 |
Drivers of sustainable intensification in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production BK Kurgat, E Ngenoh, HK Bett, S Stöber, S Mwonga, H Lotze-Campen, ... International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 16 (4-5), 385-398, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production HLCTSR Barnabas K. Kurgata, Silke Stöbera, Samuel Mwonga Agricultural Systems, 2017 | 40* | 2017 |
Adaptation pathways for African indigenous vegetables’ value chains S Stöber, W Chepkoech, S Neubert, B Kurgat, H Bett, H Lotze-Campen Climate change adaptation in Africa: fostering resilience and capacity to …, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Relationship between vegetation cover types and soil organic carbon in the rangelands of Northern Kenya BK Kurgat, D Golicha, M Giese, SG Kuria, F Asch Livestock Res Rural Dev 26, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Adoption of climatesmart agriculture technologies in Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4 (55) 1-9 BK Kurgat, C Lamanna, A Kimaro, N Namoi, L Manda, TS Rosenstock | 9 | 2020 |
What drives diversity in climate change adaptation strategies for African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya? W Chepkoech, S Stöber, BK Kurgat, HK Bett, NW Mungai, ... Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 716-728, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Assessment of urban cattle keeping patterns and waste disposal mechanisms in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya MK Cheruiyot, BK Kurgat, W Muturi, IS Kosgey Journal of Natural Sciences Research 4 (16), 138-144, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Promoting Sustainable Intensification of African Indigenous Vegetable Production in Kenya B Kurgat Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019 | | 2019 |
Determination of Major Ion Concentration and Ionic Strength of Saline Water: A Case Study of Lakes; Nakuru, Bogoria-Kenya and Nata Saltpan Sanctuary–Botswana S Omboga, BK Kurgat, EC Cheshari, MK Rotich, WJ Mavura | | 2014 |
Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions B Kurgat, S Stöber, S Neubert, HK Bett, W Chepkoech, H Lotze-Campen | | |