Juan Gomez Benitez
Juan Gomez Benitez
Profesor de Enología. Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)
在 gm.uca.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Instability of scale-free networks under node-breaking avalanches
Y Moreno, JB Gómez, AF Pacheco
Europhysics Letters 58 (4), 630, 2002
Supercycle at the Ecuadorian subduction zone revealed after the 2016 Pedernales earthquake
JM Nocquet, P Jarrin, M Vallée, PA Mothes, R Grandin, F Rolandone, ...
Nature Geoscience 10 (2), 145-149, 2017
Qiskit backend specifications for openqasm and openpulse experiments
DC McKay, T Alexander, L Bello, MJ Biercuk, L Bishop, J Chen, JM Chow, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.03452, 2018
Micromagnetic simulations using graphics processing units
L Lopez-Diaz, D Aurelio, L Torres, E Martinez, MA Hernandez-Lopez, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (32), 323001, 2012
Mapa geológico de Colombia
J Gómez, A Nivia, NE Montes, DM Jiménez, ML Tejada, MJ Sepúlveda, ...
Ingeominas, Bogotá DC, 2007
Infecciones del tracto urinario bajo en adultos y embarazadas: consenso para el manejo empírico
E Martínez, J Osorio, J Delgado, GE Esparza, G Motoa, VM Blanco, ...
Infectio 17 (3), 122-135, 2013
Tartrate stabilization of wines
GÃBÃJ Lasanta Melero C.
Trends in Food Science & Technology 28, 52-59, 2012
Lo lúdico como componente de lo pedagógico, la cultura, el juego y la dimensión humana
J Echeverri, J Gómez
Investigación sobre la dimensión Lúdica del maestro en formación Pereira …, 2009
Determination of carotenoid profiles in grapes, musts, and fortified wines from Douro varieties of Vitis vinifera
P Guedes de Pinho, AC Silva Ferreira, M Mendes Pinto, JG Benitez, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 49 (11), 5484-5488, 2001
Intraluminal aortoplasty vs. surgical aortic resection in congenitalaortic coarctation: A clinical random study in pediatric patients
M Hernández-González, S Solorio, I Conde-Carmona, A Rangel-Abundis, ...
Archives of medical research 34 (4), 305-310, 2003
Las denominaciones de origen y otras señales de calidad en las estrategias de diferenciación
L Bello, J Gómez
Cuadernos aragoneses de economía 6 (2), 365-387, 1996
Use of ceftriaxone in the treatment of bacterial infections in cirrhotic patients
J Mercader, J Gomez, J Ruiz, MC Garre, M Valdes
Chemotherapy 35 (Suppl. 2), 23-26, 1989
Annual and interannual complementarities of renewable energy sources in Colombia
F Henao, JP Viteri, Y Rodríguez, J Gómez, I Dyner
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134, 110318, 2020
Notas explicativas: mapa Geológico de Colombia
J Gómez, Á Nivia, NE Montes, MF Almanza, FA Alcárcel, CA Madrid
Compilando la geología de Colombia: Una visión a, 9-33, 2015
Molecular karyotype variation in Leishmania (Viannia) peruviana: indication of geographical populations in Peru distributed along a north-south cline
JC Dujardin, A Llanos-Cuentas, A Caceres, M Arana, JP Dujardin, ...
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 87 (4), 335-347, 1993
Photodynamic effects of a cationic mesosubstituted porphyrin in cell cultures.
A Villanueva, A Juarranz, V Diaz, J Gomez, M Canete
Anti-cancer drug design 7 (4), 297-303, 1992
Comparison of electrodialysis and cold treatment on an industrial scale for tartrate stabilization of sherry wines
PRL Gómez Benítez J., V.M. Palacios Macías, P. Szekely Gorostiaga, R. Veas L ...
Journal of Food Engineering 58, 373–378, 2003
J Gómez, NE Montes, Á Nivia, H Diederix
Mapa Geológico de Colombia, 2, 2015
A damage-mechanics-based constitutive model for solder joints
C Basaran, Y Zhao, H Tang, J Gomez
Benchmarking laboratory‐scale pomegranate vinegar against commercial wine vinegars: antioxidant activity and chemical composition
S Kharchoufi, J Gomez, C Lasanta, R Castro, F Sainz, M Hamdi
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (12), 4749-4758, 2018
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